Bridget Riley's Work Part 2

Her work was constantly changing. Around the end of the 1980s, she reintroduced the diagonals again for which she had become famous, but this time in the form of a sequence of parallelograms which was different from the vertical stripes from her previous, characteristic paintings.
Her latest exhibition at the Timothy Taylor Gallery in London in 2007 concerning fifteen paintings which were created between 2005 and 2006 again shows a change in her style. This time, the shapes of the typical ‘lozenge’ which can be found in her paintings of the 1980s and 1990s, sweep across verticals in fluid, soft-colored arabesques.
Bridget likes to work large and creating and completing a painting can take up from six to nine months. She solely mixes all the colors and the pattern is painted free-style. Since her canvas is so large, she works with assistants. They do most of the painting so that Bridget can totally focus on the design.
Even though Bridget is in her late 70s, she still works and her art can be found in exhibitions all over the globe.

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