Talks and Grins
Little Leo loves to 'talk'. He puts his entire little body in telling you, what is on his little mind and grins from ear to ear, when he gets your feed-back.
Last weekend, while I was holding him, he was sharing some of his thoughts with me. He produced all kinds of sounds and coos, to which I replied, of course, as if I knew what he was babbling about. No, I didn't, but that cute face and big smile indicated, he was having a ball. Yep, me too, haha.
He seemed to enjoy me echoing his sounds. That went back and forth for a bit, until I decided to throw in a sound of a different kind. I made the 'Ooooo'-sound and Leo fell totally silent. He was fixated on my mouth and observing every move I made. The sound that came out of it, left him in awe.
His mouth formed in the right shape to produce it, but apparently he didn't know how. I stopped torturing the little critter and said: "Aaaaa", a sound which I know is part of his vocabulary. Big grin and he responded with A's, E's, coos and smiles.
One day he will surprise us by saying: "Ooooooo-pa and Ooooooo-ma". :-D
Last weekend, while I was holding him, he was sharing some of his thoughts with me. He produced all kinds of sounds and coos, to which I replied, of course, as if I knew what he was babbling about. No, I didn't, but that cute face and big smile indicated, he was having a ball. Yep, me too, haha.
He seemed to enjoy me echoing his sounds. That went back and forth for a bit, until I decided to throw in a sound of a different kind. I made the 'Ooooo'-sound and Leo fell totally silent. He was fixated on my mouth and observing every move I made. The sound that came out of it, left him in awe.
His mouth formed in the right shape to produce it, but apparently he didn't know how. I stopped torturing the little critter and said: "Aaaaa", a sound which I know is part of his vocabulary. Big grin and he responded with A's, E's, coos and smiles.
One day he will surprise us by saying: "Ooooooo-pa and Ooooooo-ma". :-D

The last paragraph is the best =)
Yeahhh, I am so looking forward to it.:-D
God's Grace.
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