Watch Out!
It is sad that there are so many people out there, who try to get rich by using other people to do it. Take PayingPost for instance: they are an advertising service using bloggers to make posts on their blogs and promise to pay them for it. Don't fall for this company: it is a SCAM! I found that out the hard way.
It seems all nice and legit; you sign up, take an opportunity, write a post and when it is approved you would get paid the first of next month. You have to reach the $25 threshold first. Okay, no problem, I reached that in no time.
As soon as I did, the threshold suddenly got upped to $50, so I did not get paid. When I made that, it upped to $75 and when I reached that... yup, it got upped to $100. Surprisingly it stayed at that threshold, but did I get paid??? No, I am still waiting for the money I am owed which should have been paid, according to their own terms of service, by the first of July.
A search on the Internet learned that there are many more bloggers who never got paid by the same service. They wasted their time and effort, just so that PayingPost could cash in the money paid by the advertisers to them.
The very first time I contacted PayingPost about my payment, I got an e-mail back saying: "not to worry". That should have been an indicator: there was everything to worry about. They never replied on further inquiries. Oh well, live and learn.
The reason why I post this is to warn those who try to make some extra income by paid blogging. Sign up with better and reputable services like PayPerPost, LinkWorth, SocialSpark, Blogsvertise and SponsoredReviews for instance, but avoid PayingPost.
Forewarned is forearmed!
PayingPost has changed their name and URL and now goes by "Blogadvertisingstore" at
Same company, same scam!!
It seems all nice and legit; you sign up, take an opportunity, write a post and when it is approved you would get paid the first of next month. You have to reach the $25 threshold first. Okay, no problem, I reached that in no time.
As soon as I did, the threshold suddenly got upped to $50, so I did not get paid. When I made that, it upped to $75 and when I reached that... yup, it got upped to $100. Surprisingly it stayed at that threshold, but did I get paid??? No, I am still waiting for the money I am owed which should have been paid, according to their own terms of service, by the first of July.
A search on the Internet learned that there are many more bloggers who never got paid by the same service. They wasted their time and effort, just so that PayingPost could cash in the money paid by the advertisers to them.
The very first time I contacted PayingPost about my payment, I got an e-mail back saying: "not to worry". That should have been an indicator: there was everything to worry about. They never replied on further inquiries. Oh well, live and learn.
The reason why I post this is to warn those who try to make some extra income by paid blogging. Sign up with better and reputable services like PayPerPost, LinkWorth, SocialSpark, Blogsvertise and SponsoredReviews for instance, but avoid PayingPost.
Forewarned is forearmed!
PayingPost has changed their name and URL and now goes by "Blogadvertisingstore" at
Same company, same scam!!

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