Aluminum Foil Art - Materials and Equipment

Even though these sheets are thicker and sturdier then the regular foil, they are still very pliable and sculpting a 3D pattern in it easy and results in a wonderful piece of art.

Depending on what you have in mind to make out of the foil, you may need scissors, glue, brushes for the glue, a dull pencil or a pop sickle stick will do fine smoothing out household aluminum foil.
Embossing materials are great for use on the thicker sheets and if you intend to make a sculpture out of the regular household foil, then all you need is your hands.
In case you like to give an aged look to your creation then you can either use shoe polish or stain and paint. I am not quite sure whether there are books focusing specifically on this art; I could not find any. It may pop up here and there in other craft books, so keep your eyes peeled.
What I did find were some useful other applications for aluminum foil:
- Sharpening dull scissors: layer about 7 pieces of foil and cut through them and the scissors are sharp again.
- Instead of a wire scrub brush, ball up some aluminum foil. It works just as well.
- Put an end to static electricity in your clothing after drying by throwing in a small crumpled up ball of foil before you turn on the dryer.
I am sure there are many more uses for this material and if you have a tip or used it for some art or craft project, then I sure would like to hear it.
I hope my posts on aluminum foil inspired you enough to give it a go and as far as this subject goes: for now..., that's a wrap!

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