Working With Acrylics Part 2

It also means that when you are not careful, water can run down the ferrule after rinsing your brush and can result in blotches on your painting. Wiping your brush on paper towel or a tissue, after rinsing it, will prevent this.
If you need opaque colors, mixing some titanium white into the paint will do the job. A flow improver will ensure the colors spread out evenly on the canvas when applied in a thin layer, without loosing their vibrancy.
Don't leave the tube open at any time. Put the cap back on tightly and don't let any air get into tubes when they are made out of plastic; this will prevent the paint from drying in the tube.
When you mix acrylics vehemently with water or another medium, you could end up with a lot of foam. You can either use a cloth to remove it and start over, or incorporate the bubbly and/or blotchy effects into your artwork.
Just like with most anything, you have the choice between several different brands of acrylic paint. It can occur however that, after drying, colors may turn out to be darker then expected. If you don't want to spend the money for a higher quality then simply mix and match to achieve a brighter goal!

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