We had a hamster once, called Light bulb (he was so white, he almost gave off light). We would have done better to call him Houdini! No matter what we did or where he was in, he always managed to escape in ways we thought impossible.
One day, while I was cleaning up the kitchen, I turned around and there he sat in the middle of the floor, staring at me like a deer caught in the headlights. I was so surprised and said out loud: "How did you get out?"
He turned around and ran off as fast as his little paws could carry him, but I got him cornered and put back in his cage. I made sure it was hamster-proofed this time, hehe.
One day, while I was cleaning up the kitchen, I turned around and there he sat in the middle of the floor, staring at me like a deer caught in the headlights. I was so surprised and said out loud: "How did you get out?"
He turned around and ran off as fast as his little paws could carry him, but I got him cornered and put back in his cage. I made sure it was hamster-proofed this time, hehe.

So clever, Lieve Zus =)
So was he!!!
BTW, Kc's avatar is (was) the way our little Houdini looked like.
God's Grace.
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