Rien Poortvliet's Economical Impact

At the end of the seventies, it resulted in a true hype and lots of products and other items could be found in the stores. After his death the gnomes took on a life of their own, and were turned into an animated series.
Rien started publishing his own calendar in 1974 and continued to do so every year.

"Gnomes" was followed by several more books about this little people, all done by Rien Poortvliet in collobaration with Wil Huygen. Each book was another success. Rien was interviewed by newspapers and magazines and became a regular panel member of a popular Dutch tv game show.
On April 28th 1992, Prins Bernhard opened the Rien Poortvliet Museum in the old, historic Town Hall of Middelharnis, The Netherlands, where original paintings, pastels and drawings of his books and calendars were displayed. Due to lack of visitors and financial problems, the Museum had to close it's doors in December 2006.

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