In Training
We had our oldest grandson Kc over, yesterday afternoon. It's been a while, but we had a blast. He is wearing training diapers now. I didn't think it would make much of a difference, but...., apparently it does for him.
At one point, he grabbed my hand and led me to our bedroom. After looking around, he went straight to the bathroom, pulling me along. Upon arrival, he lifted up the lid and started pulling at his pants.
"Oh. You wanna go potty?" I removed all the obstructions and set him down. He looked up at me, gave a big grunt and indicated he was done. Of course there was nothing deposited, but it was a try.
After putting his diaper and pants back on, he flushed and watched all the water disappear. He grabbed my hand and out we went.
All done. For now. :-)
At one point, he grabbed my hand and led me to our bedroom. After looking around, he went straight to the bathroom, pulling me along. Upon arrival, he lifted up the lid and started pulling at his pants.
"Oh. You wanna go potty?" I removed all the obstructions and set him down. He looked up at me, gave a big grunt and indicated he was done. Of course there was nothing deposited, but it was a try.
After putting his diaper and pants back on, he flushed and watched all the water disappear. He grabbed my hand and out we went.
All done. For now. :-)

Your grandsons are growing so fast, Oma =)
Isn't that the truth! It also reminds me how time is flying by. I must be getting old, haha.
God's Grace.
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