H1N1 or Swine Flu
I don't think it has escaped your attention: the H1N1 or Swine Flu virus is still spreading and many already had it or are suffering from it. Since it is airborne, it is much easier to fall victim to it.
The good news is that a vaccine has been developed. The bad news is that this vaccine is not available until mid October. At least that is what my doctor told me, but rumors are going around it may be released by the beginning of October. I guess we will have to wait and see.
I was also told that the vaccine consists of two injections given on two separate occasions. Rumors go that it may be just one vaccination. I suppose we will have to wait and see about that as well, huh? In the meantime you better stay clear of people who are coughing and sanitize your hands often by washing them with soap.
That is not always possible. Suppose you are in a craft store and are looking at and picking up items, which many have done so before you. In that case it would be handy to carry some disinfectant wipes or anti bacterial hand gel with you.
Better safe then sorry!
The good news is that a vaccine has been developed. The bad news is that this vaccine is not available until mid October. At least that is what my doctor told me, but rumors are going around it may be released by the beginning of October. I guess we will have to wait and see.
I was also told that the vaccine consists of two injections given on two separate occasions. Rumors go that it may be just one vaccination. I suppose we will have to wait and see about that as well, huh? In the meantime you better stay clear of people who are coughing and sanitize your hands often by washing them with soap.
That is not always possible. Suppose you are in a craft store and are looking at and picking up items, which many have done so before you. In that case it would be handy to carry some disinfectant wipes or anti bacterial hand gel with you.
Better safe then sorry!

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