Chocolate Art - Materials and Equipment

For those of you who have already created art with this delicacy before and like to expand their horizon; you will not be presented with a problem finding chocolate flavoring as well as coloring online.
You need to know how to melt chocolate. Low indirect heat gives the best results and a good method for that is what the French call 'au bain Marie'.
Take a large pot and fill it partially with water. Set/hang another pot in it, ensuring that part of it is in the water and then heat this contraption slowly until all the chocolate is melted. Lots of other hints, tips and advice will pop up when doing a search. Many like to see your efforts being successful; how sweet!
You can use simple things as moulds, like Holly leaves for instance. Clean them real good, but gentle and spread several leaves out on paper towel or a cookie sheet. Brush melted chocolate on top of them and cool in fridge. When the chocolate is hardened it is easy to remove the leaves and you are left with a beautiful and tasty decoration.

It depends on what tickles your fancy or maybe more appropriate would be to say: what suits your taste. :-)

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