Epoxy Art - Materials and Equipment

Epoxy resin can be bought in the DIY stores and even online. You will also need measuring cups, plastic or paper cups and something sturdy for stirring.
For covering artwork and projects you may need brushes, but for embedding items or casting figurines you will need moulds. The last I have seen sold online along with tips and advice on making your own moulds.
The best way cleaning up your tools, brushes, surfaces and remove resin and/or hardener from your skin is white vinegar or DME (Dimethoxyethane). Both are effective and safe solvents. The cheapest one is white vinegar which can even be used to clean up epoxy resin which is already hardening.
Rubbing alcohol and citrus-based waterless hand cleaners remove fresh epoxy from skin as well, but Acetone should be avoided. It is not only volatile and very flammable, but the resin and acetone combination can easily pass through the skin and get into the bloodstream. I don't think that is very healthy.
It is better not to get the epoxy resin on the skin at all. Wearing disposable or rubber household gloves is one way to avoid that. Should it happen anyway and you removed it, then make sure to wash well afterwards with soap and water.
I would love to try this art sometime, especially the embedding. Our three year old grandson always brings me little treasures he finds in the yard; shells, acorns, multi-colored leaves, seeds, pebbles etc. Embedding those in epoxy would be a wonderful and unique way of preserving precious memories.
This idea is just one of many. It does not even scratch the surface!

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