Coffee Filter Uses III
Here are the last of the usages I found for coffee filters. I have no doubt there are plenty more and should I come across them, then I will share.
- You can make an instant funnel by cutting off the end of a cone-style filter and keep a few around in your car for when you need adding oil; it will keep you from spilling.
- Cast iron skillets stay rust free by placing a coffee filter in them when they are not in use.
- Make your own air freshener by filling a coffee filter with baking soda. Use a twist-tie to close it and it is ready for usage in the fridge, car, shoes, closets, etc.
- Coffee filters absorb grease better then paper towels; therefore, when preparing bacon for instance, use coffee filters. You will also find that the bacon won't stick to it either.
- Use a coffee filter as an easy-to-tear backing for embroidering thin fabrics.
- A coffee filter will diffuse direct light when taking indoor photos; place the coffee filter over lights, lamps or your flash.
- Coffee filters can be used as napkins and even as toilet paper, in case the need is high.
- Deviled eggs will not slip and slide on the plate when using a coffee filter on the plate.
- You can make a sour cream substitute by straining yoghurt through a coffee filter.
In case you have a good idea for which coffee filters can be used, then please spill the beans; it could be a huge help to someone else
- You can make an instant funnel by cutting off the end of a cone-style filter and keep a few around in your car for when you need adding oil; it will keep you from spilling.
- Cast iron skillets stay rust free by placing a coffee filter in them when they are not in use.
- Make your own air freshener by filling a coffee filter with baking soda. Use a twist-tie to close it and it is ready for usage in the fridge, car, shoes, closets, etc.
- Coffee filters absorb grease better then paper towels; therefore, when preparing bacon for instance, use coffee filters. You will also find that the bacon won't stick to it either.
- Use a coffee filter as an easy-to-tear backing for embroidering thin fabrics.
- A coffee filter will diffuse direct light when taking indoor photos; place the coffee filter over lights, lamps or your flash.
- Coffee filters can be used as napkins and even as toilet paper, in case the need is high.
- Deviled eggs will not slip and slide on the plate when using a coffee filter on the plate.
- You can make a sour cream substitute by straining yoghurt through a coffee filter.
In case you have a good idea for which coffee filters can be used, then please spill the beans; it could be a huge help to someone else

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