Time Managing Art
Yeah, it is pretty much an art turning 24 hours of the day in to 32 or so. That is kind of what it seems like I am doing these days.
Between work, doctors visits, and my other daily responsibilities, we have our three and a half year old grandson staying with us and I have to use all my artistic abilities to make the most of every minute of the day. No, let me correct that: make the most of every second.
The little guy sure knows how to keep us busy and it occurs more often then not that I have to abort my search for arts, crafts and hobbies, because he demands my attention. We have almost reached and agreement to where he tries to entertain himself for a while in the mornings, so I can work and we can play later.
We still need to work on the details of our agreement, but we have already made some progress. In the mean time I try to keep my posts on arts and crafts going by making every second count!
Between work, doctors visits, and my other daily responsibilities, we have our three and a half year old grandson staying with us and I have to use all my artistic abilities to make the most of every minute of the day. No, let me correct that: make the most of every second.
The little guy sure knows how to keep us busy and it occurs more often then not that I have to abort my search for arts, crafts and hobbies, because he demands my attention. We have almost reached and agreement to where he tries to entertain himself for a while in the mornings, so I can work and we can play later.
We still need to work on the details of our agreement, but we have already made some progress. In the mean time I try to keep my posts on arts and crafts going by making every second count!

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