The Art Of Practicing Patience
It is not always easy keeping the grandchildren busy; our little ones tend to get bored rather quick with anything I can come up with and eventually I run out of ideas to keep them occupied.
There is always the option of going some place where they offer all kinds of amusement and since our oldest grandson had bugged his mom for quite some time now to visit a certain child orientated location, he finally got his wish.
I had never been there and went inside with the kids to take a look. The first thing that struck me was seeing the stanchions right after I walked in the door.
It became obvious this was a very popular place and even though it was not too busy on that particular day, they apparently had a need for crowd control on several other occasions.
The stanchion roping was tastefully done in a bright red, leading towards the entrance of the establishment and the children ran is as soon ad the employee gave them their stamp and removed the velvet rope.
It made me question if those stanchions were enough to keep a large number of enthusiastic, exciting children in line. It would seem to me they might want to resort to barricades.
Children are usually not very accomplished yet when it comes to the art of practicing patience! :-)
There is always the option of going some place where they offer all kinds of amusement and since our oldest grandson had bugged his mom for quite some time now to visit a certain child orientated location, he finally got his wish.
I had never been there and went inside with the kids to take a look. The first thing that struck me was seeing the stanchions right after I walked in the door.
It became obvious this was a very popular place and even though it was not too busy on that particular day, they apparently had a need for crowd control on several other occasions.
The stanchion roping was tastefully done in a bright red, leading towards the entrance of the establishment and the children ran is as soon ad the employee gave them their stamp and removed the velvet rope.
It made me question if those stanchions were enough to keep a large number of enthusiastic, exciting children in line. It would seem to me they might want to resort to barricades.
Children are usually not very accomplished yet when it comes to the art of practicing patience! :-)

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