Ancient Mosaic Art

Some good examples are the drawings found on cave walls and this mosaic, which was recently excavated and found in the old Jewish village of Huqoq as part of a synagogue floor, dating back as far as 400 -500 A.D.
The mosaic is made out of a gazillion, small, colored, stone cubes and although it has been hidden for 1,500 years, is in a wonderful condition. The quality is extremely high for its time and portraits several scenes from the stories in the Bible about Samson.
I can only imagine how long it must have taken to piece this work of art together, especially considering the fact that at that time there were no computers to pixel out examples to go by; it was all stored and laid out in the artist's head.
Since this is only part of the flooring, they expect to uncover more mosaic artwork. I hope so; it is truly awesome and incredibly beautiful!

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