Art made from human hair has already existed since the 15th century and became even more popular during the Victorian era. The art was mainly practiced to remember loved ones who had passed away by embellishing lockets, paintings, medallions and other jewelry with the deceased's hair.
During the middle of the 19th century hair art was the craft to do for ladies and was used for knitting and crocheting, although it was still done with the intent to keep the memory of their loved ones who had moved on and much of the jewelry were made to wear as a token of mourning. The craft became popular in the United States during the Civil War.

It was quite common to use a 'braiding' table or frame where strands of hair, pulled down by weights, hung down from the middle of a round surface and were woven together into the desired pattern. The surface had to be smooth to keep the hair from fraying or breaking and many used to create their own construction for practicing this delicate art.
Hair art eventually fell out of fashion, but there are still some crafters out there who know very well how to turn a single hair into one of a kind art!
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