Drawing On Special!
This drawing is on SPECIAL! It's an 8" x 10" pencil-work. You can own it for $10.00 and no more prints will be sold of it. Just click this link and order now. It will be mailed for free and well protected.
This was drawn after hurricane Katrina and inspired by
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—
More of my work here.
This was drawn after hurricane Katrina and inspired by
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—
More of my work here.

I love your work. Very detailed.
Dear Corry...You are such a gentle soul!
I was just at Pilot Mom's and your comment to her was so precious.
She must be going through such a testing time.
Just after her mother's going to heaven and now this with her dear husband.
She is such a faithful lady though, just as Debbie was with Roger.
I really don't know if I could deal with anything like that.
I guess the Lord must give his dear children the strength when they need it the most.
I am sorry that I haven't got to go through your blog yet but I really want to.
I will just have to TAKE the time someday and DO it!!
God's blessings on you...love Terry
Dear Corry..I want to comment on your picture.
It always saddens me to see a tree fall down and you have captured this feeling perfectly in this picture, Corry!
When I worked at Katy's, it was a common thing for a tree to fall during the bad storms we had by the lake.
Yes, a common thing that I never could get used to.
It broke my heart every time.
One time a majestc tree fell and I was heart torn.
That spring, I saw a tiny stem growing beside the trunk of the fallen tree and how much was my delight to see that it was another tree...just a BABY growing from the mother tree,
Every day I would take a picture of that little tree and I was so surprised to see how it was growing.
It even produced little leaves that fall, and those tender leaves turned in the autumn just as the bigger tree's leaves did, but because of the small tree's youth, they were the last to fall before the winter!
Thank you for your encouragement, it means a lot to me! :-)
God bless you.
I hope and pray neither one of us would have to deal with anything like that. But if we have to, God gives what's needed, when it's needed and He won't put more on us then we can carry. He knows what we can handle better then we do. It only makes us stronger. :-)
This drawing represents hope. When one door closes, God opens another one.
I love the verse by which it was inspired. It has encouraged me many times, and still does. :-)
May your day be filled with many blessings, Terry.
God's Grace.
Dear Corry...Both my sister and I were told this "When one door closes another one opens", a few weeks ago when we both lost our jobs of looking after a lady that we had cared for for three years.
I was actually phoned at work and told that I would no longer be looking after Katy, and Betty was phoned at home.
Because we loved the lady so much, it was really hard to take.
We were told by two different people at two different times this little quotation.
And you know what Corry? It has come true for both of us..
I have gone back to what I used to do seven years ago..visiting the shut-ins and going to the nursing homes and I really love to do it.
Before I was working such long hours that I was always too tired to do this.
I worked 19 hour shifts.
Every other Sunday the Christians go to a nursing home and sing hymns with the elderly people and it is so nice.
One guy will preach the gospel for ten minutes and it is so good that these people are getting another chance from God to be saved before it is too late.
Yesterday I went to see my Aunt Marion at the nursing home..mom and I and it so good for my mom to be getting out too.
I have more time with her.
Tomorrow I am taking my aunt to see her husband who is in a nursing home. She hasn't seen him for two weeks.
He is 93 years old.
I just told her that I will pick her up and we will spend the whole day there with him and we will kidnap him and take him to the cafeteria and the coffee shop.
It will be so much fun!!
Funny thing is Corry, is that I am not a bit tired from doing this and that feels real good because I have been so tired for so many months!
Thanks for your emails and I will be watching my mail..
You are so kind...Love Terry
PS 1 Have you seen Pilgrim David's blog site lately, Corry?
He has a picture of a messy desk and Jel is peeking through the window!!
She doesn't like it when I call her Sunshine but that is exactly what she is!!
PS 2...Betty's opened door?
She is working on her photography.
Two of her pictures have been published!
She also has more time to pay attention to my mother and that is even better!!
That is so wonderful!
God has a reason for everything and He works in mysterious ways. But He always has only our best in mind!
May God bless you for all the good things you do.
Have a very blessed day.
God's Grace.
Very nice blog...your artwork is great!
Welcome to my blog and thanks for the encouragement.:-)
God's Grace.
Corry I love this verse and they drawing is great! You are soooooo gifted! I've always wished I were artistic! In Christ, Angela :-)
I have no doubt you are just as artistic as I am, but your abilities may be in a totally different area! God gives all of us different abilities to work together in the body of Christ!:-)
Many blessings to you and yours.
God's Grace.
Love your work, you are extremely talented. Makes me want to attempt it again as was good at pencil drawings as a child but have done nothing since.
Welcome to my blog and thank you so much for your nice comment.
You sure should give it a try again. Especially when God blessed you with that talent. You never know, it might lead to a great testimony! :-)
Have a very blessed weekend.
God's Grace.
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