
"It is strange that while praying, we seldom ask for a change of character, but always a change of circumstances."
You know I am always looking for brain-strainers. This is one of them.
Pondering on this, I have to say it's true. We always look at the situation we are in and want it to change, without looking at how we got ourselves in it and see how we can get ourselves out. It is up to us to do so and not someone else. Somewhere along the line we acted, that led to the situation.
It's so much easier to blame someone else. To look at ourselves is not only hard work, but also something we really don't like to do. We would have to set aside our pride, selfesteem and a lot of times, our selfishness as well. We have to admit and accept we are not perfect. It may hurt at first, but it's all for learning purposes and we come out so much better in the end.
A change of character often leads to a more beautiful person. :-)

The picture is so beautiful.
I love butterflies.
This is another meaningful post, Lieve Zus =)
Thanks, Lieve Zus.
I am a little late with commenting and I hope you will forgive me.
April is not feeling well and is over here, so we are taking care of them and trying to do our stuff in the meantime as well.
I love butterflies as well. They are so beautiful.
God's Grace.
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