Going Dutch

One of the major difference I am still quite amazed about are the vast wooded areas that just don't seem to end. The seize of the "woods" I was used to would prolly make you laugh. They are designated areas and often protected by the Department of Agriculture, Nature and Foodquality. And there are not many. Not surprisingly when you consider there are 16.292.000 people living in a total area of 25.790 square miles of which 21.005 is land and 4.785 is water. Land below sea level is 26 % and National parks are 2.8 % of the total area
Here, each time we drive, I expect to see cities, towns or at least several houses or industrial areas lurking behind the next curve. But no... more woods, miles and miles and miles of woods! To me, born and raised in a crowded cramped little country, that is incredible. I still haven't got used to it. I hope I never will, for I enjoy it immensely:-)
Maybe you would enjoy the vast fields of flowers that are grown in the Netherlands for national and international export. Something I haven't seen much around here. The prices of flowers in the states are outrageous to me. I was used to buying a big bunch of tulips or narcissus for $2 and for around $10 you could buy a beautiful bouquet. I suppose importing them makes them so pricy.
This is just one of the differences and I may bore you with more in some future posts, hehe. But for now, let me treat you to a view from what used to be "my neck of the woods".

I love them very much =)
Oh girl, you would have as many as your heart desires. In all kinds of colors and cheap too!
I wish I could send you some.
God's Grace.
Thank you so much, Lieve Zus =)
I'm so touched.
Most welcome.
I may send you some virtual ones, Lieve Zus. :-)
God's Grace.
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