Dressing and Games
Getting our 15 month old grand son dressed is both a chore as well as a joy. I already learned pretty quick in order to keep him laying on his back, so I could change his diaper, or get his clothes on, I have to keep him busy. Usually, I give him something to hold, or play with. What happens if I don't? He turns over quicker then a bullet and takes off!
He sure knows how to make everything fun though. Whatever he has got his little hands on, he shakes it for a few and then let's go, sending it flying through the room. That in itself he thinks is already funny, but he sure bursts out laughing when he sees my pretended surprised 'What was that?'-face. This little game goes on until we are done.
He is getting more and more cooperative with getting him dressed, but he sure knows how to keep me busy as well. I don't mind at all. In fact, I love it.
I do have to keep in mind though, to give him something soft to play with. We like to keep our windows in one piece! :-)
He sure knows how to make everything fun though. Whatever he has got his little hands on, he shakes it for a few and then let's go, sending it flying through the room. That in itself he thinks is already funny, but he sure bursts out laughing when he sees my pretended surprised 'What was that?'-face. This little game goes on until we are done.
He is getting more and more cooperative with getting him dressed, but he sure knows how to keep me busy as well. I don't mind at all. In fact, I love it.
I do have to keep in mind though, to give him something soft to play with. We like to keep our windows in one piece! :-)

Lil KC is very strong too.
He can throw far =)
He is strong, but he does not throw that far, Lieve Zus.
The bed is close to the window :-)
Still, we better watch out, hehe.
God's Grace.
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