3D Art - Materials and Equipment

The problem with copying them is that you have to figure out for yourself which parts to cut out and layer, in order to create the dimension. That presents a challenge, but can be as exciting as everything else this craft has to offer. It just takes a little more time.

You will need scissors, a background (that can be paper, wood, old CDs, tile or anything else you come across), string or thin wire in case you make a mobile and glue.
For in between the parts of the images, I use clear silicone. It may take a little longer to dry, but it allows for more options as far as the angles go in which you want to put your project together. For example: you can actually glue the raised wing of a butterfly upright while still attaching it to the body. That makes it more life-like.
Other materials you can use in between the layers creating the 3D effect are: thin pieces of cork, cardboard, bubble wrap, etc. As long as the material is not too thick, anything will do.
One more tip which I apply myself a lot is to slightly bend parts of the images with scissors or fingers when called for. To give you another example: leaves of trees and flowers, animal bodies and dresses.
The 3D craft is also a great project to do with kids. You will be pleasantly surprised with the results from both them and yourself. There is no doubt in my mind that this art will jump out at you!

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