Toilet Paper Roll Art II

The first rolls of toilet paper however, came in to existence in 1879 when rolled toilet paper was sold by the Scott brothers who founded the Scott Paper Company.
Perforated and rolled toilet paper was sold for the first time in 1897 by Wheeler who had started his own company and also patented mounted brackets for holding the rolls.
Even though I couldn't find much documentation on the subject, my suspicion is that the tubes which were used for rolling the paper on were already made out of cardboard at that time.

Did you know that on average every person uses about a 100 rolls of toilet paper each year and that it would take almost 384 trees to supply each individual with toilet paper for the duration of his/her life?
The supplies for this craft are endless and you better get ready to roll!

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J's mom,
Aww, thank you so much!
God's Grace.
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