Cereal Box Art - Materials and Equipment

It was great fun though and quickly done. All you need is cereal or, as in our case, other small boxes, some craft glue, a pair of scissors and colored craft paper.
We made an elephant and a cat and this cheap project was a ton of fun for the boys. They played with it all day. There is a wealth of ideas and examples for all kinds of projects made from cereal boxes online and you will find instructions, videos and examples in no time.

Another option is to cover the boxes with beads, yarn, or other items you can glue on and make a treasure box out of them.
If you cut the front out of the box, line it with paper or fabric, you have a unique shadow box.
There are options galore and it is fun for the entire family!

Boxes are so useful in art and craft :)
They sure are and it is great fun too.
God's Grace.
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