Flowery Art
This post brought to you by Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.. All opinions are 100% mine.
Giving your yard some curb appeal and being able to delight in the colors of all those different, beautiful flowers always gave me the impression that you would need to have a special talent for that.
I was proven wrong; when I decided to visit www.digdropdone.com to learn more, I quickly found out that it all comes down to the knowledge of how, what, and where to plant all kinds of different bulbs.
I enjoyed all the tips and the ease of finding what I wanted and needed to know and could completely sympathize with and relate to Marcy, who tries to make the most of what little spare time she has. Her tip on covering and protecting bulbs with the fallen leaves in the yard sure saves a lot of time and effort.
I also found some very creative ideas, gifts, and activities making use of flower bulbs at DigDropDone.com for both in and outdoors and I sure don't need a green thumb growing the most beautiful flowers; it is much simpler and easier then I though.
At Curbside Chaos it was a piece of cake finding out which bulbs grow best in our area and the Planting Guide was a huge help.
I was excited to see the “Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.” contest where the winner is given a $5,000 yard makeover and a visit, tips and updates from Taniya Nayak (@TaniyaNayak on Twitter). All it takes is submitting a photo of your yard at CurbsideChaos.com.
You can also help in the preservation of affordable home-ownership and revitalization of communities by sharing "Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done." on Twitter; a $1.00 donation for each Tweet will go the nation’s leading nonprofit organization Rebuilding Together.
I have only a few Tulip bulbs in a pot right now and they are not doing so well, so I pretty much gave up on having a colorful yard. However, after discovering how easy it is to plant and grow flowers, my hands are itching to create some more beautiful art with bulbs!

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