Denny Dent's Impact

As his popularity grew, so did the price of his artwork and several sold for $60,000 each, although some of the art critics were not entirely pleased with what they saw on the canvas and one even compared Denny's art to a mediocre work found at any local art school's second-year painting class.
That didn't negatively impact Denny's work in any way and he got to work with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, and many famous musicians, turning him into a festival favorite. He painted at the World Youth Day in Denver and was a major part of the NHL All Star Game. Besides commemorating many athletes, he also painted celebrities and corporate leaders.
He invented and established a form of art that was unknown and he was often referred to as the world's only "rock and roll painter". He surely was the fastest, skilled painter in the world and would have been listed as such in the Guinness Book of World Records if he hadn't declined. The reason for this declination was, to quote his own words:"I fear the distinction might detract from my inspirational message about the saving graces of art".
His motto and message was as impressive as his art: "It's not what you do, it's the way you do it that makes you an artist. Whatever you do, do it with all your heart. Be what you are. Be creative!"

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