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Arts and Crafts

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Creativity In Progress

I had so much fun crocheting the little dog bank which I did a while back that I decided to do another one. I am currently in the process of creating it, but this time I made sure to scale it down to where it would be an entire dog instead of just the upper part.

It is taking me a lot longer, but that is mainly due to the fact that I hurt a tendon in my right arm. That is rather inhibiting when you are being right-handed. Couple that with being extremely busy lately and you can imagine it is a slow going process.

It is coming along though, slowly but surely and that is meant in the literal sense of the word.

After attaching the dog's ears, I thought I would start giving it some of its coat since that usually takes the longest. And then I get another distraction in the form of our oldest grandson.

The seven-year old is pretty smitten with this bank in the making. After each row of 'fur', he proclaims he wants to see the puppy as he named it.

I don't mind showing him the work in progress. I have already accepted this project is not going to be finished any time soon.

Maybe next time I will fabricate a snail! Grin.

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