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Arts and Crafts

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Divined Art

Being from the Netherlands, I have never seen an Armadillo up close and personal. They are not around there and the only ones I did see here, were road-kills. Not a pretty sight.

For some unknown reason, those creatures appeal to me. I know it sounds crazy, but I would love to have one for a pet, haha. Outside of course, where it could eat it's little belly full whenever it wanted.

I got up this morning and had not even had a sip of my coffee, when Mia our dog went ballistic. She barked and growled and ran to the neighbor's fence. I looked over to see what got her all riled up and there it was: an Armadillo. Alive! Foraging in the yard. What a treat.

We took some pictures, but they turned out a bit too dark. It doesn't matter. I got to watch it for a while and was grateful to finally have seen a live one. I can only say one thing.

God is quite an artist! :-)

link link link


Blogger audrey` said...

Yes! You're right, Lieve Zus. Our Lord is a very great artist. Just look at the flowers... =)

Friday, February 27, 2009 2:49:00 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I know, each one is so different and so gorgeous. They are millions of small blessings. :-)

God's Grace.

Saturday, February 28, 2009 4:53:00 PM  

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