Fork Art

I am sure the kids would love this craft. It is always enlightening finding out forks can also be used for fun and not only for pricking in food you don't like, but have to eat.
Dads who are good at welding or soldering can use forks for creating some awesome crowns for the kids. Attach some small metal balls on top of each tooth of the forks, or curl them; this will prevent the children from getting hurt.

Maybe some hairclips, earrings, or pendants are more in line. There are plenty of projects for those online. You can use them as an example and give your own spin to it.
I actually would recommend the latter. It is always better when you can call it your own creation.
You don't have to limit yourself to jewelry. The art that has been produces from forks includes something in almost every category.
Do a search and you will be surprised what the Internet will fork out pertaining to this hobby!

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