Watermelon Art
Did you know that watermelons have been consumed for over 5,000 years? They are already depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphics carved on walls and buildings constructed that long ago. It is also believed watermelons have been around way before these recordings.
Even though watermelons consist for 90% of water, they do have some good nutritional value like vitamins and potassium and to those who like carving they are invaluable.
Whether it is a watermelon or a pumpkin, there is not much difference when it comes to transforming either one into an amazing piece of art. The patterns and tools you would normally use on a pumpkin can also be applied to a watermelon.
In case you don't have any patterns or the ones you possess are not applicable for the occasion; there are many creative designs, tutorials, and how-to videos available for free on the web.
For the daredevils among you, there are some very detailed and intricate examples at hand.
Carvings like these are not for the squeamish and/or those pressed for time. It takes a steady hand and a lot of courage to undertake such a project.
You can rest assured though that once the task is completed successfully the results will wow the crowd!
Even though watermelons consist for 90% of water, they do have some good nutritional value like vitamins and potassium and to those who like carving they are invaluable.

In case you don't have any patterns or the ones you possess are not applicable for the occasion; there are many creative designs, tutorials, and how-to videos available for free on the web.

Carvings like these are not for the squeamish and/or those pressed for time. It takes a steady hand and a lot of courage to undertake such a project.
You can rest assured though that once the task is completed successfully the results will wow the crowd!

Watermelon is a very yummy fruit, Lieve Zus :) It's good to lower our blood pressure too.
I heard about that. Isn't it great that something so delicious and refreshing turns out to be healthy as well?! Grin.
God's Grace.
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