As far as what you need concerning materials and equipment; that is a hard call. Of course you will need boxes and preferably the ones with a different shape then the common squares or rectangles, but even those lend themselves very well for craft projects.
I would suggest you definitely keep scissors and craft glue or a glue gun around. Anything else is literally up for grabs; what ever you may have laying around or can lay your hands on might be good to incorporate in your project.

Don't forget saving (shoe)boxes for rainy days. Making dioramas are fun craft projects for children. They can draw and cut out their own images, you can pull down images and pictures from the internet and print them out, they can use whatever items they found in the yard, woods, etc., etc,.
Keep your eyes and mind open to creative ideas, suggestions and inspiration. As usual: the possibilities are endless or to stay in line with Forrest Gump: Crafting is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you might end up with!
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