March Madness Art
Neither one of us is big in to sports. We did watch the NFL and cheered. That was mainly because the winning team was so close to home, otherwise I suspect the entire spectacle would have passed by us fairly unnoticed.
The latter is kind of what is happening with the March Madness; we have not been watching any of the games played in the competition so far and it is highly unlikely we will. That does not mean we can't and don't appreciate the excitement others are experiencing.
It is quite understandable when fans go out of their wits and ways trying to ensure they can watch every game. I know several will engage in some friendly basketball betting, just for the kick of it and to display their knowledge of the teams.
To predict the winner one has to know the pros and cons of teams, the strong points and weaknesses of the players and their performances over the course of the season. In other words: one has to be and stay completely updated.
I tend to lean towards the artistic ability when it comes to picking the winning team. One thing is for sure though: there is method to the madness!
The latter is kind of what is happening with the March Madness; we have not been watching any of the games played in the competition so far and it is highly unlikely we will. That does not mean we can't and don't appreciate the excitement others are experiencing.
It is quite understandable when fans go out of their wits and ways trying to ensure they can watch every game. I know several will engage in some friendly basketball betting, just for the kick of it and to display their knowledge of the teams.
To predict the winner one has to know the pros and cons of teams, the strong points and weaknesses of the players and their performances over the course of the season. In other words: one has to be and stay completely updated.
I tend to lean towards the artistic ability when it comes to picking the winning team. One thing is for sure though: there is method to the madness!

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