Quick, Simple and Cheap Art

The glass holders used to be candles. We couldn't use them anymore because they had burned down to a point where it was hard to get in to the candle holder to light them. I simply put them in hot water, got the wax out and cleaned them.
The 'flowers' are made from Styrofoam balls and left over fabric. Cut the fabric in one inch squares and stick the squares one by one in the Styrofoam. This can be done with a crochet needle; determine the middle of the square, place it on the ball and push it in. Do this until you can not see the Styrofoam anymore.
I used a round stick, but square or even flat will do, and pushed it up in to the 'flower', securing it with glue. A little ribbon to finish it off and that was done.
I did not want to paint the glass holders because I might want to reuse them sometime. Therefore, I cut a piece of left over gold paper to size, rolled it up and stuck it in the holder where it forms itself to the allowed space. A piece of other Styrofoam placed inside the glass and the paper functions as a basis for the flower; push it down in the middle of the foam.
A small band made out of the same fabric as the flower is hot glued around the top of the holder. Hot glue can easily be removed from a glass surface, if need be.
The neat thing about this project is that you can completely personalize and customize it to the surrounding colors. You don't have to have large holders; small glass jars will do fine. Make sure that the Styrofoam is proportioned to the width of the jar; this gives a balanced and more stylish look to the finished project.
I had fun with it and I hope it gives you some new ideas as well.

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