Shadow Origami

I finally found out that the paper had been pinched and folded in such a way that when a light source was placed on it in a particular angle, the shadow it cast portrayed a face. In this case, they were not just any faces, but the life-like images of those of 22 employees of a company for which this projects was created.
You can do a lot with just a piece of paper and whether you use it to artistically fold it into all kinds of animals and figurines, or to cast realistic shadows; there are options, ideas and possibilities galore where Origami is concerned.
It all comes down to giving it a try; fold it, bend it and see what shadow you come up with. The worst thing that can happen is ending up with is a crumpled piece of paper and that is nothing to be afraid of.
Don't be afraid of a shadow and most certainly not your own!

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