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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Walking Stick Art - Materials and Equipment

In order to find a good walking stick, you may not have to look far; a branch of a tree in your backyard could already fit the bill. You will have to cut it to the right length though and that could present a little problem if the cane is for someone else.

The best length for a walking stick is the measurement from floor to the crease of a person's wrist, while the person is standing up straight, is wearing shoes and the arms are hanging loosely at the sides.

Another way of finding the right length for the stick is to bend the arm in a 90 degree angle and measure from floor to the palm of the hand. Be sure to do this on the side where the stick will be used, because some people can be a little lopsided.

If you have decided to carve the stick, you will need carving tools. For decorating the stick otherwise, brushes, paint and varnish, or metal and tools for working with the latter are necessary.

Ensure to strip the bark if you are using a branch, but if you can't find one, there is always the option of using a wooden broom stick. You also have the choice buying rubber tips and handles, if you don't feel like making those; many can be found and ordered online.

One more tip: when choosing and carving the walking stick, keep in mind it will have to be strong enough to hold a person's weight. This will keep someone from getting hurt and you from wasting all your time and effort!

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Friday, May 27, 2011

A Vision of Cheap Art

I always find it very impressive when someone is able to combine creativity and great quality and put the end result on the market with an extremely low price tag attached, so that others can enjoy it too.

It gets even better when style, fashion and great design are taken in account and incorporated as well converting a common, daily item in to a wonderful project of art. That is exactly what Zenni Optical delivers when it comes to prescription eyeglasses.

You can already obtain a work of art for as low as $6.95 and it doesn't take much to do it; your prescription, your pupillary distance and a few minutes of your time. I do think you will have a problem picking out a frame due to the enormous choice, but for such a cheap price you can afford several pairs.

However, according to this article, there are still several people who are rather apprehensive when it comes to ordering these cheap eyeglasses online. I understand their reasoning, but when you take in to consideration what a great value and excellent quality you can have for the lowest price ever, I wouldn't have to think twice about taking advantage of that.

I would probably be one of the first walking around with the state of the art right in front of my eyes!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Walking Stick Art II

Walking sticks go by many names: trekking poles, pilgrim's staffs, hiking poles or hiking sticks and have been used probably from the time our ancestors have been walking on two legs.

They were used to assist them walking through rough environment, climbing, and even to defend themselves if need be; pretty much the same as hikers do nowadays.

Ever since, the sticks have been subject for decoration and throughout history they also were a symbol of power, wealth, faith, etc. They eventually replaced the sword and became part of the outfit around the 17th and/or 18th century, but were most popular during the 19th century.

Not only have the walking sticks been made out of a diversity of woods and even whalebones, but they also came with different handles.

I didn't know it, but there are many people who collect walking sticks. I can see why; every stick has its own tale to tell and most of it may even be shown through and by some intricate and artistic carving and/or embellishments.

Imagine all the interesting stories we would hear if walking sticks were talking sticks!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finding Security

I was not so happy hearing this morning how in and around our area there have been 109 burglaries in the past 129 days. Just the idea of someone gaining unwanted access to our house, going through and taking our belongings, already sends chills down my spine, let alone the feeling of insecurity which would haunt us 24/7.

Maybe we ought to consider having a security alarm installed. Many residencies and businesses have already done so and for good reason. The crime rate is going up and protecting your home and business is a must, whether you live here or need home security clancy and surroundings.

You don't have to believe me; just turn on the TV and watch your local station. You will be surprised how many burglaries will be made mention of during the few minutes you are watching That should be enough to impress on you the importance of a security alarm.

I sincerely hope it will never have to go off, but when it does, you will be glad you have one!

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Walking Stick Art

Walking sticks are a great aid for those who need it, but even for those who don't, it is nice being able to have something to lean on and show off some of your wonderful creativity at the same time.

Since most walking sticks are made out of wood, they are an excellent basis for carving and there is no limit to your imagination; you can carve just the handle or even the entire stick.

There are many more options then carving though; the handle can be adorned with, or made out of, silver, copper, bronze, or even jewels and minerals.

You may even decide to cover parts or the entire stick with one or several different colors of paint.

Yep, options galore for taking a walking stick from a useful item to a great piece of art!

See also:
Walking Stick Art II
Walking Stick Art - Materials and Equipment

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Knitting Art - Materials and Equipment

Materials for knitting are cheap, easy to come by and offered in a wide selection. Needles come in all kinds of widths and can be bought in metal and wood. The choice in yarn is enormous; from thin to thick, silk, wool and/or synthetics and it is available in a rainbow of colors.

Free patterns can be found abundantly online and there are plenty of workshops, knitting instructions, different knitting stitches, books and magazines, classes, lessons and videos to get you started or take you to the next level.

Your project doesn't always has to be a large one; some smaller items lend themselves very well for adorning and sprucing up garments or accessories, but can also be used in a stand alone manner like wall art.

No matter how you apply this art, one thing is for sure; this is one hobby that teaches you how to practice patience! Grin.

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Back To The Future

There are many ways of saving money and finding a cheap hobby is one of them. You could also share a hobby with family members and split the costs, but the days that families set together and crafted are long behind us.

I somehow foresee this coming back though; with the economy as it is, many don't qualify for a mortgage and it may well be that families have to move back in together. It worked in the old days, so why couldn't that work in the future?

There is bound to be a loved one who has build up a good credit and would be able to get a mortgage for buying a nice, large home with enough space for the entire family. Everyone could contribute in the costs, but the best contribution would go towards the bonding of the family.

Should your credit be up there and you are considering buying another abode, then check out the FiveStarHomeMortgage site; it will help you finding the mortgage which meets all your requirements and needs, without breaking the bank and some financial breathing room is always welcome!

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Knitting Art II

Although supposedly the word 'knitting' finds its origin in the Netherlands and should come from the word 'knutten', being Dutch myself, I had never heard of it and didn't find the word in Dutch dictionaries either.

I don't think its origin is really known, but since it doesn't require much and people needed clothing, it has been practices for centuries and the oldest form of knitting is a type of Egyptian stockings, made between the eleventh and fourteenth century AD.

Records indicate that knitting was already practiced in Europe around 13th century, when items were knitted by Spanish Christian royal families. Cushion covers and gloves were found in the tomb of Prince Fernando de la Cerda, who died in 1275, and other items from the same era we discovered in among treasures in a cathedral in Spain.

Knitting was essential for making everyday clothes and the art became more and more popular since the 14th century. Most expensive were garments made out of silk and fine wool. It was at first a job for men, but soon knitting schools were established and the poor had a way to earn some extra income by knitting garments.

In the beginning of 21 century, a dwindling enthusiasm for knitting occurred, until after WWII, when fashion designers brought it back in swing and this art was used for more applications then just clothing.

The craft is not really difficult to learn; you certainly don't have to knit your brow, unless you would have to fix a dropped stitch!

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Keeping Your Hobby Cheap

I usually make a list of all the craft and hobby items I need, or am about to run out of, and purchase all of them in one trip. It saves us time and gas and since the latter is becoming more and more expensive these days, that is financially of great help.

Even though our car is not a real gas guzzler, we could have gotten a much better mileage per gallon if we had bought one of the hyundai genesis cars; those go at least twice as far on one gallon than our present vehicle, but hindsight is 20/20.

Should you be looking for another car and good gas mileage is one of the requirements, take a look at the Hyundai Genesis Inventory. Not only will you find a wide selection, but you are also assured to get the best bang for your buck.

With the costs of living as high as they are, we like to keep our hobbies as cheap as possible and saving gas gives us a little more financial breathing room. Therefore, take the time to shop around at the Hyundai Genesis Dealer; I don't think you will regret it!

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Knitting Art

I suspect most of us are familiar with it; the soothing, rhythmic ticking of the needles, while watching the knitted item steadily growing and lending two helping hands winding the yarn.

We may even have worn the fruits of all that labor, although the memories of the itching wool are not very pleasant where I am concerned, but at least it kept me warm. Grin.

Although mostly garments were lovingly knitted, over the years this craft became more creative as well and many other applications were found for it.

These little knitted animals bring back sweet memories; my mom once knitted me a cute, little rabbit when I was little, stuffed it and sewed clothes for it. For years, it accompanied me wherever I went; I wouldn't go to sleep without it.

Yeah, eventually I outgrew it and I am not sure what happened to it. I wouldn't be surprised if my mother kept it and this keepsake would pop up some day.

I never was a big fan of knitting; I don't get to see the result fast enough to my likings. I do highly admire those who churn out one project after another though. You may not be aware of it, but you are knitting more then clothes and animals.

You are also knitting memories!

See also:
Knitting Art II
Knitting Art - Materials and Equipment

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Helping Hand

There is a lot of research going in to finding all the information about a particular craft and it does eat up a lot of time, before all that info is processed and results in a post on my blog.

That is fine by me, since it is my hobby, but I can imagine when it comes to important issues like deciding what car insurance would suit you best, you like to find one as quickly as possible without all the hustle and bustle and spending days finding the best and cheapest quotes.

In order to save you all that trouble, iSelect makes short notice of locating a car insurance company which fits both the bill and your budget, since all leading insurance companies can be compared on one and the same site.

I wish a lot more sites would adopt the same policy as iSelect has, it would make life a lot easier and leave much more time for hobbies, rest and relaxation. I speak from experience, because I hardly find the time these days expressing my creativity.

I agree; people are as busy as they make themselves, but sometimes it is a necessity and a helping hand is more then welcome!

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Calligraphy Art - Materials and Equipment

The materials you will need for this craft are: pen and/or brushes, calligraphy paper, ink and a stylus. Most of these you can buy in hobby and craft stores, or online. It may be helpful to buy a calligraphy starter kit when you are about to give it a go.

You may find it very comforting to know that there are many calligraphy books and magazines, classes, examples, exercises, guides, videos, worksheets, stencils, and even software for your computer available.

In case you get good at putting this swirly, curly writing to paper, it can even generate some extra income. You may be able to find a job, since there are several companies who would love to put your creative ability to good use.

There are many different types of calligraphy writing and I have no doubt you will find one that strikes your fancy. I suspect once you mastered one, you will not have many problems learning the other ones.

In case you don't have the time to practice this art, but still would like to adorn a document or card with unique writing, then you also have the option of buying rubber and metal calligraphy stamps.

It sure is worth trying your hand at this beautiful, old art!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Calligraphy Art II

Calligraphy is practically as old as the beginning of the written word and 'written' includes stone carvings.

Even though nowadays most of the calligraphy is mainly, but not exclusively, used for invitations, there are many old books and documents around in which you can still find this swirly, curly and unique craft.

There are several types of calligraphy: Western, Eastern Asian, South Asian, Islamic and other stand alone calligraphy like Mayan Glyphs. I suspect if you master one, it will be a piece of cake learning the others.

Art doesn't always have to be very elaborate; a few verses or expressions artfully written down and framed can result in some wonderful wall art.

It is truly beautiful and I rather see this kind of writing on the wall then any other!

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Avoiding Huge Costs

I always am a little apprehensive when it comes to buying a used car; everything may seem to be in order and there may appear to be no problems, you never know what you eventually will run in to.

That wouldn't matter much if the repairs would still fall under the car warranty, but more often then not, that is no longer the case and one could be faced with major unexpected costs.

You may be under the impression that once the warranty has expired, there is nothing you can do. Wrong; you could take out an extended warranty and protect yourself against huge bills when the repairs come along, which eventually will occur.

It is not really an art and it is not very difficult either finding a good, cheap auto warranty. It certainly would be wise looking in to and taking advantage of it. The more money you save, the more you can invest in art or your hobby!

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Sunday, May 08, 2011

Practicing Art

With my RA, a lot of crafts fall outside the realm of possibilities, because they would put too much strain on my joints. Therefore, it is nice to have such a wide array of hobbies to choose from; that way there is always something else I can do to occupy my spare time.

When you know what illness you are dealing with, it is easy to find an appropriate hobby. The first is not always the case; several people have been misdiagnosed, came out worse and had to find a good Medical Negligence Lawyer to get some compensation for all the trials they went through.

No one is perfect and mistakes are made every where by everyone. Medical mistakes can be very costly however, figuratively and literally. The damage can not be undone, but a Medical Negligence Lawyer can at least be of help easing the pain, even if it is just a little.

I hope you never have to experience any of the medical mistakes, errors, or negligence, but when you do and want to find an excellent Medical Negligence Lawyer, then that shouldn't be much of a problem; they are only a few keystrokes away!

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Calligraphy Art

I always admire a nice handwriting which is probably because I don't have one.

Mine is not very readable and a result of having to jot down notes in a high pace which were thrown out in class. Missing one could be crucial for getting a good grade the next time a test came along.

Even when I try hard, I am not able getting some graceful and elegant letters on paper, but I suppose I could accomplish that by learning Calligraphy. There are so many different styles; there is bound to be one which is easy to start out with, but it will require some practice and time.

Even though Calligraphy is an art in itself, it can and is also used for creating other projects and works of art. This crane for instance is a magnificent, well created master and conversation piece.

Maybe we ought to try more often putting pen to paper, huh?!

See also:
Calligraphy Art II
Calligraphy Art - Materials and Equipment

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Considering 4G

Written by Sonny Quinn

I have done a lot of research on mobile broadband companies, mostly because I'm considering getting 4G so that I have Internet on the go. I looked into Sprint Mobile Broadband as well as Clear and I'm getting close to making a decision that works well for my business. I actually own a mobile food truck, and having internet wherever my truck is parked is crucial for my business. I like to keep in touch with my customers via social networking, like my twitter feed or even my Facebook. If I don't have Internet, I can't contact my customers this way, and I definitely see a drop in business. I want to make sure I make the right decision and don't end up paying too much for a service that doesn't suit my needs, so I'm really glad I've taken so much time to research the options available to me. I can't believe I make a living writing around town preparing food in a truck, but it's the life for me and I'm very much a professional!

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Friday, May 06, 2011

A Good Car

Even though we have a good, nice vehicle at the moment, there are still times when we miss our previous one. It had all the creature comforts you could imagine, great seating, and hardly gave us any problems; for many years, all that it needed was the common maintenance.

Our previous van was a Nissan Quest and even though it was practically 15 years old, it was still running good. Up to one point that is; the motor cut off while driving and it would take about ten minutes before it would crank up again.

Eventually, this occurred more often and we had no clue what caused it. At first we suspected it might be water in the gas tank, but I read that this is a typical Nissan Quest problem and more people experienced the same annoyance.

There are some good solutions to solving this problem and had we known about the solution before, we probably would have fixed it and still be driving it. We anticipated though that the costs of repairs would be more then our Nissan was worth and decided to replace it.

Yeah, we liked that old van and as I mentioned before; we still miss it from time to time!

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Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Bamboo Art - Materials and Equipment

I suppose the best way to have an endless supply of bamboo is by growing it yourself, but since that may not always be possible, you can buy it at nurseries and garden centers.

Depending on your project, you can choose between all kinds of different species of bamboo which vary from small and short to long and wider in diameter.

You can find a diversity of craft ideas and workshops online and all kinds of information, projects, needed materials and equipment. There is even a Bamboo Arts and Craft Network with lots of news, events and art projects from people all over the world.

It may be helpful to check it out and get some new ideas or share yours with others. There is always room to learn and grow! :-)

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Cleaning Up The Mess

If you have a garage or a spare room which you are using for creating your art projects, you are lucky. I sincerely doubt that most of us have a designated area when it comes to doing their crafts and hobbies and have to content by setting up shop in the living room.

Aside from being an inconvenience, constantly having to take out and put up all the needed materials and equipment, it can also result in some unwanted damage. Just imagine dropping your paint brush, spilling some glue, or finding charcoal tracks all over your Berber or antique rug.

How are you going to clean that? You don't; you hire the antique rug cleaning austin service do handle this in a profession manner. With their expertise your rugs will be looking as good as new or antique, as the case may be.

You may find some unwanted, colorful fingerprints on your furniture as well, maybe your hobby resulted in a small fire and you are faced with some smoke damage. You can go to for some tips and help.

It is always good to know there are experts to help you clean up the mess!

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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Bamboo Art II

Bamboo has been used for ages for all kinds of things and since it holds up so well, bamboo has become a Chinese symbol of longevity, but it is also a symbol of friendship in India.

Since many thousands of years, this material has already been used for food, medicine, weapons, furniture, and other structures.

Entire bridges were built from it which lasted for hundreds of years and still can be found in mostly the Asian part of the world.

Due to its decorative appearance and sturdiness, we can find lots of those structures in home and garden suppliers to decorate our yard with and give it a more, natural feel and atmosphere.

Bamboo is hollow inside and that is a perfect foundation for many musical instruments. Flutes are some of them, but wind chimes are another and those are easily made.

Next time you look at bamboo, imagine what all you can do or make out of it; you will be surprised by all the options and possibilities!

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Your Money's Worth

There are many hobbies which don't cost very much, but there are several crafts that do require some capital before you can even start practicing them. Once you obtained all the necessary equipment it may still take some money buying all the materials and you may not always have that handy.

This pertains to most goods we like to purchase and we often have no clue how long it would take us to gather up the desired or needed amount. That is when a Savings Calculator comes in; it will tell us exactly what period of time we are looking at, before we reach our goal.

Nowadays, having a nice nest egg is almost a must. We don't know what the economy will be like a couple of years from now and building up some savings might pay off in the end. With a Savings Calculator you can take advantage of smart advice and know beforehand what it takes to reach the amount you have in mind.

Even if you have all your heart desires, you may have the need saving up for your retirement. It would be wise starting as early as you can, or make good use of the years you have left. Yes, there is a Savings Calculator for that as well. No matter which way you want to apply it, it proves to be its money worth!

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Bamboo Art

Bamboo is not just a pretty and fast growing, decorative plant for sprucing up spaces next to water, but it is extremely versatile when it comes to using it for art and every day items.

Baskets, blinds, flooring, flutes, trays, and mats, are just a few examples of what all bamboo can be used for and that does not include all the artistic projects for which this material is extremely suitable too.

One of the creative projects I came across were these bamboo carvings which function as incense burners. They are also adorned with dark areas which are a result of burning and/or scorching the material; another option for fabricating other fantastic projects out of bamboo.

The durability, pliability, water resistance, and the ease to work with, coupled with the inexpensiveness of bamboo, make this hobby accessible to anyone.

Should you live next to a pond, creek, or have a cascade in your yard, then it is very simple to grow bamboo. It would provide you with a never ending supply of craft material!

See also:
Bamboo Art II
Bamboo Art - Materials and Equipment

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Monday, May 02, 2011

The Art of Seating and Setting

You may not have considered this, but raising children is an art as well. Probably one of the most difficult and you have to wait whether you did a good job until they are grown up.

The hardest part however is when they leave home, begin their own life and you don't get to see them as often anymore as you like. That's why we started the tradition of having family dinner at least once a month.

The problem may occur though that the dining table is not large enough to seat everyone. That is why I like this Manhattan extending dining table; it can easily be extended to seat at least 10 people, while the table legs remain at the corners. How clever; no one has to content with those pesky legs being in their way.

Our old dining room table has been replaced several months ago for a larger one which now offers enough space to sit the entire family. It is still tight, but already so much better then it was before when we had to scrimp to provide everyone a place at the table. I really wouldn't mind having an even bigger one; you can never have enough space at a dining table.

I enjoy well set dining tables and try to make ours look just as nice as the ones I often see in magazines. A centerpiece always gives that little extra, but with three young grandkids that is asking for trouble, so I usually do without. Yes, they will grow up too and that centerpiece will eventually find its place as well. :-)

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Needle Point Art - Materials and Equipment

The yarn for this art comes in every color you can possibly imagine and the needles are not hard to find either. The latter come in different sizes as well and depending on what you like to work with, the eyes of the needles vary from small to large.

In case you haven't noticed; the needles are rather blunt. This is mainly to prevent the cloth from tearing up, sticking easier through the designated part of the fabric and to protect you from constantly pricking your fingers.

If you have the space and also rather like to keep your fabric stretched while working on your project, you may enjoy using a needle point table. I found plenty of those offered online, but I am sure you can find those in craft stores as well.

As far as patterns go, there is no lack of those; you can find plenty on the Internet for free, there are books with patterns and/or instruction on this art galore and you can even buy needle art software to install on your PC.

There are many uses for this hobby. Have you ever considered sending an embroidered greeting card? It is done quickly and success is guaranteed! :-)

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