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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Live and Learn!

We just found the perfect solution to keep our little grandson entertained: he got his own 'work-station' set up in the living room. He wanted to work, like Opa and Oma, and we give him an old laptop to use. I think it is beneficial to create interest at an early age; it may result in an eagerness for Education later on.

It is difficult keeping up with what all is going on concerning the education of our offspring. Especially for grandparents who are no longer up to date on all the changes and developments pertaining to the school system, The Chronicle is a great way of catching up and increasing their knowledge on the subject.

I hope to stimulate our grandson's appetite for learning. Since he is getting acquainted with 'working' on and operating a computer, he may be interested in getting a degree online, when he is old enough. I was not aware of all the different programs available at the Walden University in which he could obtain a degree. Yeah, live and learn!

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Polymer Clay Art - Materials and Equipment

You will need Polymer clay and even though that sounds easy, the choice is not, because the clay comes in so many colors including translucent, fluorescent, phosphorescent, mica-containing pearls and metallics, and different stone colors containing contrasting fibers.

If you still can't find the color you like, you can mix and match creating your own, or you can color the clay by blending in paint, ink, colored pencil, chalk, metallic or mica-containing powder, metal leaf and foil, glitter and even embossing powder. The same products can be applied to the surface of your creation.

Other equipment you might need is a pasta machine which is often used to condition, cure, and blend different colors of clay in to a sheet of the same thickness.

Essential however is an oven; yeah, a 'home' oven will do fine. The clay does not air dry, although the latest product on the market is a Polymer clay that does. Before baking, check the instructions on the back of the wrapping materials. It generally bakes at 265 to 275 °F (129 to 135 °C), for 15 minutes per 1/4" (6 mm) of thickness.

The clay does not shrink, crack or change in any way, fashion or form during baking and in case you forgot something; you can add on and re-bake as often as you like or need. When done, you can sand, buff, paint, or varnish your project.

Stick to the baking instructions, because curing the clay incorrectly at a temperature higher than instructed can produce fumes which may cause health problems due to harmful fumes. The hazardous fumes are being released at 350 degrees F and over.

Also ensure to wash your hands thoroughly after the use of the clay; accidental ingestion of the residue of the clay left on the hands can be dangerous as well.

Most of the other tools which could come in handy, can be found in and around the house, like cookie cutters for instance. Any craft, molding, modeling, texturing, and cutting tools will do just fine.

There are plenty of instruction books, classes, workshops, etc., around; you can find them on the Internet and probably in abundance in your area as well. Polymer clay is a great way of expressing your imagination and creating some beautiful figurines. Go figure!

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Several Hands Full

Our oldest grandson is staying with us and probably will be for a while. He is such a cutie, but being three and a half years old, he is also several hands full. He loves for us to play with him and demands attention almost constantly.

Since both Opa and I work from home, that conflicts with our schedule and I am grateful for the TV shows which keep him entertained. We could have more channels to keep him busy if we had subscribed to local tv satellite.

Unfortunately, we are limited to the services of our cable company provider. For the moment that will do, but it doesn't hurt to check out to see if it would be something to switch over to.

Even though I am not a big fan of entertaining children by setting them in front of the tube, I have to admit though that while I am working, TV is a great solution. Maybe offers more arts and craft shows which he might like to watch; he is never too young to learn! :-)

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Polymer Clay Art II

Polymer clay in its present consistency has not been around for very long; only for a few decades. Therefore, it has only been for a few decades as well that it has been used for hobbies and crafts.

Polymer clay finds its origin in Bakelite, an early plastic which was used in both practical and decorative applications. During WW II, it became very hard to lay your hands on those plastics.

In the late 1930s, a new plastic modeling compound was brought to the attention of German doll maker Kathe Kruse, who turned it over to her daughter Maureen who was nicknamed "Fifi" and the name FIMO is derived from and in honor of her; FIfi's MOdeling Compound.

In 1967, Sculpey was sold as a hobby and craft clay in the United States by the Zenith Products Company.

Zenith had originally formulated Sculpey for potential use as a thermal transfer compound to conduct heat away from the cores of electrical transformers.

That didn't work and after being set aside for many years, a visitor accidently discovered that it was great for creating figurines. Nowadays, many creative projects are being made from Polymer clay and this form of art is on display in many Museums.

I am not sure what would come out of my hands when this clay winds up in them. I intend to find out though! :-)

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Resourceful Rain Harvesting

I enjoy gardening and it is a challenge finding out which plants and trees do well in our climate and which ones don't. Once I know, it comes down to putting them together in such an artistic way, that the height, color of the flowers, and shape and color of the leaves compliment each other.

Incorporating a few shrubs which need lots of water is possible, but my experience is that they grow best when watered with rain water, instead of tap water. Don't ask me why; I don't know, but the latter just keeps them alive, while rain prods them to grow. I would need several rain barrels for storage though.

It is not very difficult finding a rain barrel for sale; it can easily and quickly be purchased online. It presents me with the big question however as to where to put it and what the most strategically place would be, for gathering up as much rain water as possible.

Even though it can be very hot and dry in our area during the summer, I would not have any trouble with rain harvesting; when it rains, it pours and it would fill up several barrels in no time. Placing them under a downspout would be the easiest thing to do, were it not for the fact that we don't have any!

I just realized that our house does not have any gutters. Hence, no downspouts either. That would mean that filling up rain water barrels is a matter of trial and error. I would have to find the best spots where it pours down from the roof. I don't think I will have a problem with that; I am rather resourceful. Grin.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Polymer Clay Art

Looking for polymer clay art knocked my socks off! I already knew many people used this material to sculpt things, but I had no clue practically anything was made from it.

I saw buttons, beads, boxes, dolls, figurines, wall art, nail art and this is just a short summary of what all can be crafted with and from it.

What was even more surprising was finding out that the clay not only came in practically any color you can mix and/or imagine, but it can be painted as well.

That opens up even more options and possibilities, like these gorgeous beads which are used for a necklace in this case. It is just one of the examples of jewelry made from it.

I have worked with clay before, but not with polymer clay. At least.... not yet. :-)

See also:
Polymer Clay Art II
Polymer Clay Art - Materials and Equipment

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Worth It

Booking a vacation with Myrtle Beach as a destination has just gotten even more interesting and appealing to me. I found out there are many museums located there as well and one of them has currently a quilt exhibition. Yeah, one more reason for me to make reservations at

I also noticed there was Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum. That would definitely be worth paying a visit, just like all the parks, shows, shops, and other amusements which can be found in this area. Of course I would not forget spending some quality tee time at one of the golf courses. The best way to do that is by booking one of the many golf packages Myrtle Beach has to offer.

It is quite obvious that Myrtle Beach consists of a lot more then just sea, sand and beaches. It actually has got it all and no one has to be bored while spending time at this diverse location. Even the choice of hotels offers plenty of variety. Why not visit and see for yourself? It is worth it!

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Golf Tee Art - Materials and Equipment

This may come as a total surprise to you, but you will need golf tees. Grin.

Depending on your project, you may need lots of them. Don't worry though, they can be ordered online in almost any color you like, need or want.

There are no guidelines, books, or instructions for this hobby. Therefore, as far as projects go; just use your imagination and don't be afraid to try something new and/or different. The best inventions took trial and error and where would we be today if the inventor had simply given up after the first try?

Here is another good example of artistic creativity. By using black and orange tees, some very creepy images and figures should be able to see the light of day by the time Halloween comes around.

Hmm, maybe it would be more appropriate to say: should scare the living daylights out of trick-or-treaters by the time they come around!

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O Blogging Friends, Where Art Thou?

A couple of years ago, having a blog was priority to almost everyone who had a computer, was connected to the Internet, and wanted to make a difference by sharing their life and opinions. Nowadays, it seems like blogging has lost much of its charm and people have moved on to other website hosting services like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I am not quite sure why the shift from one social network to the other took place and in a rather short period of time as well. I suspect that having a blog and making posts may have taken up too much time, while posting a tweet or an update on a Facebook page is done in a jiffy.

It makes me wonder though how that affects the quality of the contents and if it has any consequences on Social SEO – Backlinks and Profiles. Many people still rely on a good page ranking and search engine optimization in order to gain popularity and build up a decent amount of readship.

Many of my blogging friends have moved and I sure hope this is only temporary and they will eventually return to blogging, because the silence is becoming more and more deafening in 'Bloggerville' without them. :-)

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Golf Tee Art II

If you love to paint, then you can use uncolored, wooden tees, stick them in a peg board and paint your image on the tops. The photo gives you an idea of what it would look like and I have to admit; it is a beautiful conversation piece!

It is not very clear where the sport originated. Some suspect that a game called Paganica, in which a bent stick was used to hit a stuffed leather ball, was spread throughout Europe by the Romans and over time evolved in to what we know now as golf.

Some think it may have originated from a Chinese game played between the eighth and 14th centuries with what resembled a golf club being swung at a small ball with the intend of sinking it into a hole. Another early game that resembled modern golf was known as cambuca in England and chambot in France.

Others believe that golf descended from the Persian game, chaugán, or kolven which was played annually in Loenen, Netherlands, beginning in 1297, to commemorate the capture of the assassin of Floris V, a year earlier.

Most however believe the game finds its origin in Scotland around the 12th century, with shepherds knocking stones into rabbit holes on the current site of the Old Course at St Andrews.

No matter where it originated, some really unique and creative works of art can sprout from the imagination. In this project, the tees are captured in an epoxy resin. That opens up a whole new world of ideas; smaller pieces like this would make great paper weights.

With the Holidays around the corner, that might be a present which would suit any golf lover to a tee!

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Monday, August 23, 2010

A Good Back-Up Plan

I don't know about you, but all the artistic projects I encountered evolving around golf balls and golf tees instill the urge in me of wanting to master the art of golf. The only thing which prevents me from taking a course in golfing and getting some tee times in, is the lack of time.

Even if I was an experienced golfer, I would have to take advantage of my leisure time at the spur of the moment. That is not always convenient when it comes to making reservations at the golf courses. They may already be booked, but through I can always find one that is available.

It is also my experience that things change on such short notice that all the planning ahead turned out to be a waste of time. That proves once more that it is wise to have a back-up plan in place and thanks to 48 hour tee times, I could play a round of golf whenever I would like!

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Golf Tee Art

A golf tee is much more then just a tool to place the ball on; it is another item which lends itself for all kinds of art, crafts and hobbies. You may not have considered it, but peg board can function as a canvas.

Tees come in all kinds of colors and by sticking them in the peg board, you can arrange them just the way you like and make some magnificent and unique wall art. When it gets old and you are tired of looking at it; simply take out the tees and create something new.

This little project has many applications; it can be displayed as is, or function as a Christmas ornament. For the latter; buy tees in the desired colors or spray paint them gold, red, or green, and attach a string to hang it.

Glue the tees on a white background. Yeah, a golf ball would do just fine, but so will Styrofoam and the shape does not have to be a round either.

I didn't know it, but there is such a diversity in golf tees, that some people have made a hobby out of collecting and displaying tees; when framed, they are gorgeous to look at. Maybe you can tee off your own collection!

See also:
Golf Tee Art II
Golf Tee Art - Materials and Equipment

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Credit Art

It is quite an art these days keeping your credit score on a decent level. It is more likely to take a nosedive and once it does, it is extremely difficult to get it back up. If that is the case and you want to Improve & Fix your Credit Score it is wiser to find help, instead of struggling through this by yourself.

Bad credit will cause all kinds of problems. I have seen it happen to one of our loved ones and it still is putting huge limits on having, what is considered to be, a normal life. There is always some sort of financial wall they run in to which prevents them from moving forward. They could use the expertise from professional credit repair services to get back on their feet again.

I can not repair their credit for them, even though I would love to. I can however find a good credit repair service for them and save them the effort and the time; they already have enough to worry about as it is. It would be a tremendous help to them and there are plenty of excellent credit repair services of standing, like around!

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Golf Ball Art - Materials and Equipment

You can purchase new, as well as used golf balls over the Internet. In case there is a golf course near you, you may want to check with them and either get them for free or for a ridiculously low price.

They may even allow you to search for lost golf balls on the course. How would that be for 'going green'? Grin.

Aside from the golf balls, you may need glue. I would suggest a strong craft glue instead of hot glue. Even though the surface of a golf ball is not flat and rounded, it may be too smooth for the hot glue to hold long.

When painting is the choice of art; you need brushes and paint. I would suspect an airbrush might give the best result, but you can try a regular brush and see which works best.

The best thing to do is to consider the art, craft, or hobby you have and see how golf balls can be either incorporated in it, or used for/with it. It may well be that it expands your artistic horizon.

Nope, there are no golf ball art courses anywhere to be found, nor any instructions on how to make golf ball art, but I think most of the art with these items speak for themselves.

Should you not be in the position to create an art project with golf balls, then you may want to take the option of buying this type of art.

These decorative golf balls are offered online and come in many different styles and designs. Grouped and framed, they can make for some unique wall art.

I found some seasonal golf ball art as well. This little trinket can be personalized with someone's name and the year.

This idea sure opens up a lot of new possibilities concerning Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc,.

That's it for now, folks. I think y'all are up to par!

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An Artistic Invention

Some people come up with the most ingenious ideas for making money by putting their computer to good use. I have tried that myself on several occasions, but never succeeded. I suppose my creativity limits itself mainly to arts and crafts, instead of coming up with money-making possibilities like adsense revenue sharing.

What I like most about that artistic invention is that they allow for anyone to participate and share in the profits by quickly setting up a blog, or adding an existing one. You simply keep on posting on whatever ails you. That means that a lot of information can be found on any topic; from on online games to HUD apartments for rent.

Since there are so many options for making money online, it is hard to distinguish which one really works, but this one appears to be the state of the art. I browsed through it and found all kinds of good advice and informational posts. Yeah, even on how to get to your own money by selling structured settlements.

I have to admit; the inventor of this site created a true work of art!

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Golf Ball Art II

To create golf ball art doesn't mean that you have to go out of your wits, or come up with something intricate and/or elaborate. This work of art clearly shows you can do a lot without having to alter the golf balls. All you got to do is arrange and frame them.

I suppose you could make different patterns and images by applying golf balls in different colors. Yes, golf balls do not solely come in white or yellow; I found them on the Internet being offered in several other, bright colors as well.

Of course there is always the option of painting them yourself in the color of your choice.

Another cute idea was creating figurines out of golf balls. This little poodle is crafted by using 7 golf balls which are glued together and on top of each other. I can see many more artistic figurines sprout from your imagination!

I was also considering how beads, nuts, bolts, or buttons could be glued on to a golf ball and totally alter the look of it. The balls could be used as heads for puppets and captured in epoxy they would make a unique gift/paper weight.

As you can see; options galore. If none of these ideas get you on course, then I don't know what will. :-)

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yard and Art

Our backyard is rather large and beside one, dark pink Crate Myrtle, it consists of nothing else but grass. I have gotten some seeds and a large pot with several other gorgeous plants and am waiting for fall to put them in a permanent place. I am considering planting them under and around the Crate Myrtle, incorporating a few stone garden benches and creating a serene place to sit.

We had a couple of benches in our yard before, but they were made out of cast iron sides and wooden slabs. Yeah, the wood rotted in no time and both benches had to go. That was too bad, because both our grandsons loved to climb and sit on them. That prompted the idea to purchase stone benches, the next time.

I have seen these benches on several occasions in other people's yards and they always seem to be surrounded by this atmosphere of tranquility. Why, or how, it is possible they reflect this I don't know, but they always invite to sit down and just chill out. I suppose that is the reason why they are often being used as memorial benches as well.

How the landscaping is going to turn out; I don't know yet. I am not even sure whether to go with a modern, Victorian, or contemporary style bench. My heart is set on making a round flowerbed underneath the tree which would go perfectly with the curved garden benches I love so much. I am so looking forward getting started, but for now I am benched by the heat!

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Golf Ball Art

I figured there would be some golf ball art, but I actually did not expect to find as much as I did; that was a pleasant surprise.

The thought that golf balls would function as a canvas for paintings had already crossed my mind and I was right. I came across several artists who not only managed to create scenes and animals on golf balls, but even succeeded in copying portraits on to them.

There were several more, very creative projects, like this letter opener. I also saw golf balls turned in to wine stoppers and golf ball key chains. These projects require some modification to the golf balls though; you have to drill holes in them to attach another item.

I guess that is okay as long as you are careful not to tee off; this 'birdie' could cause serious damage!

See also:
Golf Ball Art II
Golf Ball Art - Materials and Equipment

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Heat Is On

I envy all of you who just got back from vacation. It must be wonderful jumping out of the rut, even if it is only for a few days. On the other hand, you may be forced to go during the summer vacation, while we can go whenever we like. The reason why we haven't enjoyed a getaway at a Myrtle Beach hotel yet, is because of the heat.

The heat from work has been weighing heavy on both my husband and I and the heat of the season always keeps us close to anything that generates cool air. We are looking forward to the more agreeable temperatures of the fall, before we make reservations at The cooler weather is ideal for being in the outdoors and playing golf.

Yup, I am still considering going to Myrtle Beach and trying my hand at a game of golf. It is probably for the best that we have been held up; I still need to sift through the enormous list of resorts in Myrtle Beach and find the one in which we are going to stay. Things may be cooling down quite a bit soon which means the heat is on; literally and figuratively speaking. :-)

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Kieron Williamson's Economical Impact

Kieron quickly realised, after winning three local competitions for coloring, that he could monetize his artistic ability; he placed an add in the local newletter, offering Pet Portraits to make some extra money.

Kieron's talent developed at a fast pace and grew even more after the family had enrolled him in art classes. This was also the beginning of recognition and praise for his work by art experts and in August 2009, Kieron Williamson's first art exhibition took place at the Picturecraft Gallery. It sold out in 14 minutes and he earned $22,338 for 19 of his paintings.

The second exhibition took place in December,2009, at the same Gallery and the same thing occurred: his work was sold within 15 minutes of the opening. The paintings were gone so fast that Kieron’s mom didn’t even get a chance to view the exhibition.

By the time his third exhibit opened in July, 2010, Kieron's name as an extremely talented, child prodigy had spread worldwide and buyers from around the world came to purchase one of his work.

Yup, all his works, 33 in total, sold out in under half an hour and about 2,000 people from 35 countries all over the world are on a waiting list for and opportunity to buy Kieron's work.

So far, Kieron is only selling his paintings, but I don't think it will be long before we can buy calendars, mugs, greeting cards, etc. with his work on it; I think he will have a great impact on England's future economy.

'Mini Monet', 'child prodigy, 'Picasso', or whatever else you like to call him; let's not forget that Kieron Williamson is just an 8 year old boy like any other. Yeah, just another boy, but one with a remarkable talent!

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Dual Survival

Posted by Darwin Garza

I've been enjoying the television series Dual Survival on the Discovery Channel. It stars two survival experts. Cody Lundin (pronounced Luhn-deen) and Dave Canterbury both go through various survival situations and demonstrate the basics of what is needed to be known to make it in unforgiving environments. I've known of Cody Lundin for years. I first heard about him through an article in Backpacker magazine. He is a no-nonsense type of guy who is honest that people die in the wilderness due to some basic things that could be prevented.

The show obviously has to have some hype to appeal to the masses. Sometimes production values get in the way of it being an excellent show, but it is still a great show for anyone who wants to see what it takes to make it in a wild situation where the only thing keeping one alive is his or her own skill sets.

The cool thing about Cody Lundin is that he has gone barefoot and only wears shorts for about 20 years now. It is his trademark. It drives survival expert Dave Canterbury nuts. Dave is ex-Army and is a hunter. Cody takes a more eco-friendly approach to the wilderness and all things wild, while Canterbury is 'all out do it and survive now and pick up the trash later.' The two seem diametrically opposed but actually make a great team. Even they make the wife and husband jokes as they do the work necessary to survive. I'm glad I have my direct tv en espanol to watch it on and my DVR so I don't miss an episode.

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The Way To Go

I have never in my entire life played one round of golf on the green; I sure would love to try this outdoor sport some day. It seems like such a relaxing pastime, although I always wonder if there are any directional golf course signs leading the way.

There must be; how else would a golfer know where to go, or which way to tee off the ball? Golf courses cover vast areas and I can imagine one could easily get lost if there was not some sort of golf course sign present.

This sport already includes enough competitive and active elements to challenge the players, without them having to read maps and risking getting lost, which could cost them the game. There is no doubt in my mind that every golf course has golf course signage which suits them to a tee!

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Kieron Williamson's Work

When Kieron asked his parents for drawing paper in May 2oo8, while being on vacation in Cornwall, no one suspected it would be the beginning of a fast and furious career.

He started out by drawing just boats, but soon the hills, houses and other realistic backgrounds were added.

After coming home from vacation, Kieron spent one hour a week with Carol Pennington at 'The Last Picture Show in Town' in his hometown, during the remainder of the summer of 2008. Carol's contemporary style did not influence Kieron's by any means and he continued painting in his own style.

From January through June 2009, Brian Ryder, another local artist, agreed for Kieron to attend his evening water color classes which Kieron did with kind support from Picturecraft. Being the only child in the class, Kieron, his fellow students, and teacher, got along fine and had a good time.

Most beneficial however was the help of artist Tony Garner. He took Kieron under his wing and stimulated Kieron's development as an artist. He gave Kieron pastel workshops lessons and one to one tuition in the Gallery.

Kieron's style of painting hasn't changed; it matured and became more and more professional over the short period of time from when Kieron started painting until the present.

There is no doubt, we will hear and see much more from this gifted, young artist!

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Tiling The Screen

It just crossed my mind that mailboxes could also be decorated with glass tiles. If you take a look at the website for tiles then you will come across an enormous amount of different styles, shapes and colors. There are many more designs then meet the eye; just click on the pictures and an entire new assortment will tile your screen.

This does not solely pertain to the glass ones, but to bathroom tiles as well. I have to admit; I would love to replace the old-fashioned tiles which are covering our bathroom walls right now. When I look at all the beautiful options which can and should replace them, I want to jump in to action.

The site offers absolutely any type of tile you are looking for and if you have no clue what you want then you can browse through the categories listed in the left column. From subway tiles to
any color grout and/or tiling supplies; they have it all. You don't even have to waste your energy leaving home.

Why should you when you can choose online and have it delivered to your front door?!

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About Kieron Williamson

Kieron Williamson was born on August 4, 2002 as the first child of art dealer Keith and nutritional therapist Michelle Williamson. Yes, you read that correctly; this young artist has just turned 8 years old!

Kieron, his 6 year old sister Billie-Jo, and his parents live in a small apartment in Holt, Norfolk in England. He loves swimming, fishing, playing computer games, soccer, and most of all painting and playing football.

Speaking of growing up; Kieron is like any average child. He likes being outdoors and his talent was like any other child up until the age of 5, when the family was on vacation at Devon and Cornwall in May 2008. He loved the environment so much, he asked his parents for paper so he could draw what he saw.

In a short period of time, with an enormous devotion, determination and commitment on Kieron's part, his talent grew by leaps and bounds, taking him to a level where the British media considers him to be a 'Mini Monet'.

He seems to get great inspiration from coastal scenes and rural landscapes which he loves to paint. According to the young artist, he likes these scenes in particular, because "it makes me think of places I can’t see."

Kieron divides his time between his art, sport, hobbies and school. His day starts as early as 6 am, because he likes to spend as much time as possible with other artists, learning new techniques and skills. His ideal is being a painter and a football player when he grows up and I think we will hear much more from this young, gifted, boy.

He sure is a wonderful example of being able to accomplish whatever goal you set your mind on!

See also:
Kieron Williamson's Work
Kieron Williamson's Economical Impact

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

An Ongoing Work of Art

When thinking on art and crafts, we seldom realize that there is one artistic project which is an ongoing work in progress; the body. It can and does constantly change due to the way we 'shape and sculpt' it, but it is one work of art which is most of the time neglected and overlooked.

Before we know it, we are badly out of shape and we usually become aware of it when summer is right around the corner. Regular diet and exercises take a while to achieve the desired effect, but we can be Slim in 6 weeks, if we are really determined and committed.

The latter is an absolute necessity; investing a little hard work and some time every once and a while is not going to cut the mustard. If you want to sculpt your body in 6 weeks then it takes an insanityworkout which requires a lot of dedication.

Being and staying fit has many pros: it prevents diseases, is mental relaxation and keeps us young at heart as well. You can find everything you need at to achieve all that and then some. Keep at it and the result is a work of art you can be proud of!

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Mail Box Art - Materials and Equipment

You can use a regular, common mailbox for your project, or build one yourself. As far as the latter is concerned; I would recommend to inquire with the postal services and find out if there are any particular specifications required concerning height, width, length, etc. You don't want to have to take down your artistic outburst afterwards.

When you are not confident you could do a project like this, then there is always the option of buying a unique mailbox which appeals to you. They can be purchased through the Internet, but you might be able to find a local store which sells them as well.

Any other materials and equipment depend on what you intend to do with the mailbox. Building one requires building materials and painting one requires (spray) paint.

I don't know what you would need to alter a mailbox; I would suspect wood or maybe even fiber glass and a mold? I haven't found any instruction on the Internet, so I can't help you out there.

What I did find, and thought was an excellent way of giving your mailbox a make-over, are magnetic mailbox covers! There is an enormous choice of covers which adhere to your mailbox with magnets and entirely cover it in the most beautiful, weird, funny, or Holiday related themes.

That is easy and gives you the option of changing the look of your mailbox as often as you want. To find these covers: do a search for 'magnetic mailbox covers', or 'mailbox makeovers'. When you do, make sure you have some time on your hands; you will be baffled by all the options which can cover up your mailbox!

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Friday, August 13, 2010

All My Children is the Best Soap Opera Ever

Thanks for the article from Laura Ryan

I never used to involve myself in soap operas. Then one day I got sick and had to stay home from work for a while. Daytime television proved to be incredibly boring. However, when I happened to flip through my directv channels in Texas and came across All My Children I suddenly found something to keep me interested.

Soap operas in general are boring to me. I had always thought these actors and actresses were overblown and untalented. They were overly emotional, their characters did strange things, and the acting was unbelievable. When I saw an episode of All My Children for the first time I found that my opinions were entirely wrong. These people had an actual capacity to act. I was shocked.

The storyline drew me in slowly. Apparently, Edmund's wife Mariah had been in a coma and she was now with some other guy because she didn't know any better. I didn't know who any of these people were but Mariah, played by Eva La Rue, was more than attractive and interesting enough for me to believe two men might war over her heart and mind. Eventually I became caught up in the continuing story arcs and even became mildly offended at the fact that Susan Lucci, who plays the incredibly popular Erica Cane, never seems to win an Emmy despite continual nominations.

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Mailbox Art III

In case you don't want to alter the look of your mailbox, but still would like to give some character to it then you may want to consider changing the look of the post.

It does not have to be the boring wooden or iron post which is normally used for it. You can let your creative juices flow and come up with some great ideas.

I thought this one was very unique and a good example of what all can be done to, or function as a mailbox post.

I don't know what material they used creating this one, but I can imagine many posts could be carved out of wood, or shaped out of metal.

A good coat of paint, varnish or polyurethe will protect the wood from deteriorating. No, it will not protect against vandalism, but maybe a very scary post might.

I truly enjoyed seeing this post; it portraits the type of business so well and makes them easier to find too. If you have no inspiration for a mailbox post, then maybe the type of business you run, or your last name, can be food for thought.

If neither one of the above suggestions sparks anything, maybe your art, craft, or hobby lends itself for a unique mailbox post!

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Art Of Tutoring

Summer vacation is over and the children are back to school again. This may give the parents some relief and the rest and relaxation they never got during the kids' time off. It does present them with other problems though; parents may be confronted with their children being in desperate need of Math homework help.

Having difficulties with math is not something to be neglected. On the contrary; it should be addressed as soon as it manifests itself and online tutoring is a great solution. It is available for K-12 and college students whenever they need and want. That also solves the parents' dilemma, because they may not be gifted with the knowledge of how to Solve math problems.

As far as money goes; excellent online tutoring does not have to put a dent in your budget. For less then $100 you can provide your child with a superb, around the clock, tutoring package. Skeptical? Don't be! See for yourself and try the service by taking advantage of the Free math help which is offered.

Aside from the children getting the help they need, online tutoring has more benefits. It allows the family to spend quality time together, instead of having to spend all their valuable and sparse time on solving homework problems. Why wait? Try the Free homework help now!

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Mailbox Art II

I couldn't get over all the different mailboxes people have come up with. Some are just out of this world and some are outright funny, like this one.

I don't know what the artist was thinking, but seeing how we get either get junk mail or bills, I have a vague suspicion. Grin.

This one is so beautifully decorated, I would not want to put it beside the road; it may cause accidents when people come to a screeching halt, wanting to admire this work of art.

I also saw mailboxes painted with seasonal decorations. What a cute idea: instead of changing the wreath on your front door, you change the mailbox in your front yard! Does that spark any good ideas for Halloween?

I don't know what this scorpion mailbox would be made from. I kind of suspect it has to be both light weight and weather resistant material.

I would love to turn our mailbox in to something like that, but I think ours would end up being a snail mailbox.

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Multiple Sclerosis and Art

Not all hobbies and crafts suit everyone; having Rheumatoid Arthritis myself, I know there are several crafts I am not able to do, because they would either aggravate, or result in inflammations in my joints due to overdoing.

I can imagine it is the same for people with Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms; the pain may just be too much to get involved in certain arts and crafts. Therefore, I like to post on all kinds of arts on my blog, no matter whether they are common, uncommon, weird, or strange; there is bound to be one which they can do as well.

For someone suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, there are many hobbies which they can do on their leisure and don't take too much effort. It may even be that the way some crafts are done, can be adjusted. Instead of using an easel to paint, try laying it on a flat surface or in your lap; this does not require having to lift your arm.

On the other hand, some hobbies may be extremely helpful. It has been proven that when having Multiple Sclerosis Exercise, along with a good diet, is one of the keys being able to manage and control this disease. Maybe some wood working, sand-, ice- and/or snow sculpting would be beneficial, when done in moderation.

My advice is to try any hobby which appeals to you, until you find one you can do and enjoy. Living with an illness is tough enough and there is no need in being bored as well!

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Mailbox Art

I found lots and lots of mailbox art. Many of the mailboxes have been altered and transformed in to some very unique pieces. The ones I posted are only a small selection of the creative outbursts which people have on display in front of their homes.

I don't think the mailcarrier can overlook this copy of his/her truck when going on his/her route. I can imagine it puts a smile on their faces when they see it, providing they like their job of course. :-)

I took a good look at it and it turns out the 'car' is built around a regular, common round mailbox, which has been painted white. How clever!

Here are some other examples of creativity; each one is wonderfully designed and in case you are not in for spending much time on your mailbox, but still would like for it to stand out then the a paint job, as shown in the last picture, might be the route to go.

Either way, there are lots of ways to alter your mailbox and give it your own personal style and/or design. It does not even have to be as elaborate as these; a few colorful stickers may already do the trick.

If you have some other ideas which can be used for decorating a mailbox, don't hesistate; mail them in!

See also:
Mailbox Art II
Mailbox Art III
Mailbox Art - Materials and Equipment

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shopping for Back to School Supplies

Thanks to Jonathon Woods

It seems like summer will never get here, and then it's here and time for school to begin again. Summer was filled with going to the beach, movies and swimming in the neighborhood pool. We had a family picnic to celebrate the Fourth of July and it counted as a family reunion.

My daughter, who is almost 12, loves to go shopping for school supplies and new clothes. Before we leave home, we always set our home security alarm that we got when looking for adt alert around Cincinnati because we feel safe in not only leaving, but returning home.

One of my daughter's favorite stores to visit is Walmart. We usually buy several notebooks, all in different colors and sizes. We also buy colored pens and pencils, as well as a ruler, scissors, and a new backpack. A new lunch box that is large enough for a sandwich, fruit and cookies is also on our list.

Besides going to Walmart, we also go to Target for supplies and then to Kohl's to look for new clothes and shoes. If we haven't found everything we need or think we need, we will also go to J.C. Penney's. We both love to shop for bargains!

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The Creative Mailbox

It occurs more often these days, when trying to find different and unusual arts or crafts that they are practically thrown in my lap. I read about an every day object and it makes me wonder whether there are artistic projects done with or around it.

Today, I came across dvault mailboxes, when it suddenly hit me; here is another item which would lend itself very well as a blank canvas. I know there is mailbox art out there, because I have seen some extraordinary, unique mailboxes by the side of the road before.

Most common mailboxes are rather boring; they simply are out there to serve their purpose. The dvault company thought outside the box, as well as some other people who gave their home a little more curb appeal by decorating them, or turning them in to a true work of art.

The ones offered by dvault are prone to draw anyone's attention, due to the shape and the way they are build. The styles are one of a kind and made to proudly hold your mail, while protecting it from weather and vandalism.

Yeah, it is a matter of thinking outside the box!

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Monday, August 09, 2010

Button Art IV

From simple projects to very detailed and intricate images; buttons lend themselves very well for all of them. Yes, a work of art like this will take more time then others, but the result is well worth it.

I can see how finding an example of what you would want to create and printing it out could work as either a template, or give you a good starting off point. It could serve as a guide for your creation.

For a statue like this deer, I can imagine you would first need to make a foundation to adhere the buttons on. A Styrofoam, or handmade paper mache form can function as a basis for a project like this.

Another option would be to cut the form out of fabric, sew it together and stuff it. After having mounted it on a sturdy base, the buttons could be sewn on by hand.

In case the object would have the tendency to fall over, you could put a stick inside the object, before mounting it. The latter might not be a bad idea anyway: better safe, then sorry.

I love this topiary; I made something like this with squares cut out of fabric and stuck in to a Styrofoam ball. I actually like the button (and shell) idea better, because the buttons are glued on and the risk of the Styrofoam falling apart, due to pushing in the fabric too close together, is entirely eliminated.

This project done with buttons also gives more options: you can use larger buttons at first and glue smaller ones, or beads for that matter, on top of them.

Button art has so many possibilities and applications. In case you are about to throw out some old clothes; take off the buttons first and reuse them for an artistic creation!

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Store More

I am always in need of storage and I use anything and everything which would provide me with such. Even though the products on the site of j.k. adams are mainly geared toward solutions for the kitchen, it gave me several great ideas.

For all my smaller craft items like buttons, beads, marbles, ribbons, bows, tiny figurines, etc., I could put several of the jk adams spice racks to good use. The 48 bottle carousel would take up little space, but makes any of my hobby objects very accessible.

It may not have crossed your mind, but it did mine; a jk adams wine rack could be an ideal solution for storing other flexible materials and fabrics. Simply roll them up, put them in a designated spot in the rack and they are easily to get to when needed.

The same goes for jk adams pot racks; hung from the ceiling they provide room for all kinds of larger stuff which would normally clutter my closets and eat up all the space. Labeled plastic bags, or coat hangers, are creative ways to hang all kinds of items and materials from the racks.

I would not want to use a jk adams cutting board for my crafts, although the option is there; I would need it for preparing our meals. I would leave it out on the counter though, when not in use. It would add a little pizazz to the kitchen, just like all the other beautiful storage options mentioned above!

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Button Art III

Buttons, buttons, buttons; I have an entire regiment of them, but that is nothing compared to what others have accumulated over time.

Yes, I had already made several posts on button art, but I keep coming across so many uses for these small items, I had to share.

I found tags embellished with buttons for on gifts, wreaths which are entirely made out of different colors and sizes buttons, jewelry like necklaces, bracelets and earrings, topiaries, framed button art, greeting cards, and how about these cute hair pins?

I even read that people have made a hobby out of collecting buttons. I can only imagine one must have a large storage building; the collection can take on huge proportions due to the diversity in buttons.

Even if you don't like the ready made buttons which can be purchased in stores or online then there are other solutions to solve the problem; you can order customized photo buttons and special hand painted and/or air brushed buttons.

If those don't do the trick then you always have the option of designing your own. Sites like provide you with the online means to design and personalize buttons and if you just need lots of them: bags of buttons can easily be purchased over the Internet.

I keep dwelling on the button collection. I suppose you can always sew them on a large piece of fabric and use it as wallpaper. Hmm, now there is a thought!

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Art Hazard

While I was going over my previous post, it made me wonder why anyone would even want to work with hazardous materials. It is extremely dangerous and some materials really could explode spontaneously, when not handled well. I suppose workers have an excellent accident and illness insurance which comes with the job, covering any health issues related to it.

Then again, looking at all the materials I use for my crafts and hobbies; some of them are either highly toxic or very inflammable and I don't even think twice about using them. I do take all the proper precautions of course, but I am still putting myself at risk. I might do well looking in to an affordable life insurance policy before it is too late.

I don't mean to scare either you or myself with any of this, but I do know that we like to push away any thoughts which might be related to accidents, illnesses and even our departure. The costs of living are high these days, but so are the costs of a burial and a cheap funeral insurance would already be a huge help to our loved.

The times they would be facing are already difficult enough without being left in a financial bind!

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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Hazardous Art

And here is your laugh for today:

I couldn't help it, but I had to share this; it is not only extremely artistic, but way too funny as well. Whoever came up with this did a great job and should consider this to be a great compliment, coming from me.

After all: I fall under the category of hazardous materials! Grin.

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A Great Solution

There are times when my memory is failing me; I completely forgot why I went to the kitchen and for what, or where I put this, that, or the other. Although I know it happens to everyone I do take it as a sign of getting older.

Smoothing the flaws in my memory will probably take more time and effort then smoothing the wrinkles in my face. Yeah, the latter is no big deal anymore these days, because Resurgence makes short notice of the slight saggy, baggy, and wrinkly reflection staring back at me in the mirror.

I can have my appearance back from 10 years ago, which is great because my skin didn't show many imperfections at that time. I was fortunate going through life without the embarrassing effects of Acne. Although acne is a thing of the past as well; great innovations and solutions for this skin problem have been developed over time.

Good skin care products don't have to put a dent in your budget; there are great product lines out there, giving you the desired effect, for a lot less then the majority of the brand names. Using Murad Coupon Codes will lessen those already cheap prices even more.

I wish there was such a cheap, easy, and affordable solution for my memory as well!

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Friday, August 06, 2010

Refrigerator Art - Materials and Equipment

If you like to paint your fridge, you will need (spray) paint, brushes and inspiration. If you are simply looking for materials to spruce it up, then you will need stickers, magnets, or put your children to work, hehe.

However, you don't have to go through all that trouble; you can buy ready made refrigerator artwork which comes in mosaic designs as shown in this picture. You have the choice from several categories like art, film, music, pattern, pixel, politics, science and sport.

These designs consist entirely of magnets and can be purchased through the Internet, just like any other fridge magnets and window stickers.

I was also playing with the idea of decoupaging the refrigerator. I suppose the surface of the fridge might need a slight sanding, so the glue will adhere better.

After decoupaging, a clear, shiny coat of varnish or polyurethane would protect the project from wear and tear and would make it easier to clean. I am not so sure about this idea though.

I think I will put it on ice for now!

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Refrigerator Art II

Have you ever struggled with a kitchen renovation and while remodelling not knowing what color appliances to get? Well, here is a great idea which not only will perfectly fit in with your color scheme, but it will also be a good conversation piece.

Aside from all of the above, it saves you money as well. You don't have to get rid of your old, but still working fridge; simply reuse it. This can be done in several ways: you can spray paint it in any desired color and use it as a canvas for a work of art.

This shark is a beautiful example of creativity and may give you some ideas. I can imagine the frightening image is enough to keep someone from raiding the fridge. Grin.

Not everyone is gifted with the ability to paint something as lifelike as the above, but that should not keep you from being creative.

You can ask your children and/or grandchildren to make you some drawings, or maybe you know someone who is rather artistic and would love to use your refrigerator to display their artwork.

If you really are left without any of these options then there is always the enormous selection of fridge magnets to help you out.

I like those magnets, but at times they can come across as being very cluttering. Maybe you just like the more simple embellishments, in which case these colorful circles are the answer.

I was thinking about low tack repositionable stickers kids normally use on windows; these reusable stickers could also adhere to a fridge. That does mean though that the scene will change any given moment due to the kids arranging the stickers.

You can avoid that by giving them permanent markers!

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Moving Turned In to Art

One of our loved ones keeps on moving from one place to another; she just doesn't seem to be able getting comfortable anywhere. We trust that eventually she will find just the right place, settle down, and make it her home.

In the mean time all that moving is only a huge hassle and a time robbing ordeal. Since money is tight, most of the time she packs, moves, and unpacks it all by herself. Not an easy task to do with three little ones running around and needing a watchful eye or four as well.

I think the next time she decides to move, we may want to inquire about EZ removals in our area. All it takes on our part is entering some details which takes less then a minute. With the quotes we then get for six different moving companies, there is bound to be one which corresponds with our needs and our budget.

Some of our friends already have and others soon will be going abroad for several years. This constant uprooting is extremely overwhelming and they would surely benefit from this service. It would be comforting to know their belongings are in good hands and will be shipped with care.

When you relocate you got enough to worry about already. Why not take advantage of the services of those who turned moving in to an art?!

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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Refrigerator Art

I usually take a quick look at the headlines once a day, just to see what's going on. The following headline caught my eye and since my curiosity bugged the artist out of me, I had to take a closer look and find out what all this was about: Cool Canvas: Fridge Art Hits Chicago.

And this is what I found:

How is that for recycling?! Of course that prompted my question if this was a completely new, emerging art, or if there already was more fridge art around. Low and behold; there are many refrigerators around displaying true works of art and several can be found in common households. I even came across a picture showing how a fridge had been converted to a car. The idea was neat and although the car looked rather 'boxy' the paint job on it was out of this world. I forgot to save the picture to share with y'all, but as soon as I come across it again I will, along with some other great refrigerator/fridge art as well! I know another refrigerator art: stuffing the fridge with all kinds of goodies and being able to eat them too! See also: Refrigerator Art II Refrigerator Art - Materials and Equipment

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Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Entertaining people is quite an art, especially when it geared towards being funny and making them laugh. There are plenty of comedies on TV these days, but not all of them appeal to everyone. I do think however that scrubs is one of the very few shows which are the favorites of a broad and diverse audience.

Striking to me is that the producers of the show stuck to the commonly known and worn nursing uniforms and medical scrubs. I would have expected they would go with the latest trend where it concerns this apparel, but they didn't.

That raises some questions on my behalf as to whether that was done intentionally, or if they were unaware of the latest fashion pertaining to that particular line of work. They may not have been aware of the different styles and designs which can be found at the blue sky scrubs website, but that may change in the future.

All this was just an observation on my part and it does not take anything away from the show. It could add on to it though.

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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Crop Circle Art - Materials and Equipment

There will be no crop circles without crops. Most of the creations took place in wheat, corn, oats, and barley, rye or tobacco fields. However, even rice, oil-seed rape and fields of weeds have been reported to function as a canvas for this artwork.

You will need the following materials:
Stalk-stompers in different lengths (#1 and 2) or a garden roller, pre-stretched nylon string (#3), a marking pole (#4) and surveying tape (#5).

You can also use an OS pathfinder map (field boundaries and pathways), an infrared image intensifier and a dowsing rod/pendulum, but I personally think less is more.

Instructions on how to make a crop circle can be found online; a search will churn out several sites and many videos on the youtube site will show you the trait of the trade.

In case you have a difficult time coming up with an idea; you can find crop circle designs, drawings and diagrams galore on the Internet as well. I even stumbled across a crop circle making contest which was held several years ago.

Joining or finding other crop circle makers/artists is rather simple as well; there are tons of sites and forums available and there might even be an organization in and around your area.

I am not so sure whether to promote this type of art, because I can imagine the farmers are not too happy with it. I have to leave the responsibility up to you and your better judgment. In case you decide to go ahead and create a crop circle you can always blame the aliens.

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Treat It and Beat It!

It is sad when you consider how so many artists develop some sort of addiction which causes their art and/or talent to go by the wayside. Take one of the Dutch artists for instance; instead of going in drug rehab he continued his addiction.

This led to suicide and aside from robbing himself from having a great life; he also robbed the rest of the world from enjoying more of his music and paintings. All of this could have been prevented had he just been willing to receive good drug treatment.

Young and talented Lindsay Lohan is another example. I was under the impression she had entered an alcohol treatment center, but it either must not have done her any good or she is a very troubled person.

It is so sad seeing such young and gifted people wasting their lives and abilities, while there is such excellent alcohol treatment available. I don't think they realize they are not just hurting themselves, but all those who love them as well.

With the help of alcohol rehab their determination and commitment can be turned around and focused on overcoming this addiction, instead of nourishing it. I hope they will succeed and live a long and happy life!

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Monday, August 02, 2010

Crop Circle Art II

Crop circle art has been brought to the attention of both the public and the media by Doug Bower and Dave Chorley. These two men from Southampton, England, announced in 1991 that they had been the artists of many crop circles which were inspired by the 1966 Tully Saucer Nests.

They used simple tools like planks, rope, hats and wire and with a four foot long plank attached to a rope, they could easily create a 40-foot (12 m) circle in 15 minutes.

Their designs were at first simple circles, but became more and more complex after newspapers claimed that the circles could easily have been caused by natural phenomena like severe rain and/or storms.

Some people are under the impression that crop circles are the result of aliens, extraordinary weather, or animals. Apparently, crop circles have already been spotted centuries ago. Whether those were a hoax at that time or 'the real deal'; it is difficult to know.

As far as I am concerned, I hope the crop circle artists will continue to create lots of beautiful art and take pictures of it, because the work of these space cadets does not last very long.

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