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Arts and Crafts

Friday, April 30, 2010

Cork Art

It has happened on several occasions that one craft leads to another. That was the case when I was doing research on wreath art and came across a wreath entirely made out of cork.

I had not even occurred to me to look for cork art, but when I did I was speechless seeing all those amazing creations made with this material.

This is Chinese cork art and each part is cut by hand. The intricate pieces are glued together creating a small, delicate panorama. Due to the fact that it is so delicate, much of this art is being encased in glass.

I tried to find some information of how it is done and what is used, but so far no luck. If someone has some info on this technique, then please share? Thanks.

A work of art does not have to be small either, as shown here. This mural is being pieced together one cork at the time. Just imagine how much time and patience goes in to that.

It is definitely thinking outside the box. You may think this artist popped his cork, but I find it ingenious!

See also:
Cork Art II
Cork Art - Materials and Equipment

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Artistic Swimming Pool Building

Every time I watch one of those TV shows where someone is having a swimming pool built in their backyard, I can't help but wish we would have one as well. Our grandchildren would enjoy it very much and so would I.

I would love to incorporate a waterfall, probably a small bathhouse and have some nice landscaping done around. Since we don't have any experience in this area, we would need to find an excellent swimming pool builder who knows exactly how to make the most out of our sloping backyard.

Finding one is not really a difficult task; on the site of the Better Business Bureau knowledgeable and customer friendly companies are quickly found. With the expertise of an A+ rated company, taking our wishes and needs in consideration, there is no doubt the result would be way beyond our expectations.

Not every swimming pool builder is an expert when it comes to graduate level pool building. We would be absolutely sure we found the right one for turning our backyard in to both an oasis of tranquility and splashing fun, when the builder is featured in Aqua Magazine's February Issue.

It is also very helpful seeing some photographs of the pool builder's work and reading about their way of tackling certain problems. Getting a pool is a major undertaking and it is comforting to know that in case we have questions, concerns or are not sure which pool would be right for us, they will professionally maneuver us through the entire process on their blog.

I find it quite artistic to see a grassy, boring backyard be overhauled in to a backyard paradise!

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wreath Art - Materials and Equipment

There are several items you will need; a wreath or wreath form. If you use the latter, you may need either Spanish Moss or a moss cloth to cover the form.

You will also need floral tape and/or wreath making wire and all the items you want to use on the wreath. Wired wooden picks are also handy to have within reach and don't forget the wreath hanger!

As far as equipment goes: a glue gun, heavy duty clippers and a pair of scissors will go long ways.

When using a glue gun, my advice is to ensure that you have more then enough glue sticks available. You will go through them quicker then you think and I am talking from my own experience here.

Another tip I would like to give you is: if possible, 'dry fit' the items of your choice on the wreath first, before gluing them on. That will give you a good idea of where to put them and if the end result would be the way you had intended and envisioned it.

I suspect once you start this craft, you will enjoy going around in circles!

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

State Of The Art

I dug a little deeper in to the subject of hosting and the first thing I am looking for are prices, specials and promotions. I could not believe my eyes, but they offer three months free when signing up for a one year dedicated server hosting account.

Of course that is not all; there is a lot more that comes with it, including a technical account manager assisting and seeing to all your personal requirements and needs, ensuring they will be met. It seems like you don't have to worry about anything; they do it for you.

I have seen how much trouble managing a server is and making sure that back-ups are constantly being made. It takes up a lot of time, especially when it is not running very smoothly. That time could have been spent much more productive; managed hosting solutions provide that option which would take a huge weight of your shoulders.

Running a business is like running a household; it does not matter whether it is small or medium, but there hardly ever seems to be enough storage space. Servers in particular require a certain amount of space under special conditions which can not always be provided. Therefore, colocation services are available solving that problem.

Taking in to account that with all the above security and safety is one of the other priorities, I would say that is a state of the art service!

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Wreath Art III

Yeah, I know it is not common for me to do another post on wreath art. However, I came across so many different shapes and forms for wreaths that I had to share.

As you can see, the well known round structure which is most commonly used for creating a wreath has been outdated. Maybe 'updated' might be a better word for it.

I was thrilled to see how great the choice was nowadays, concerning both shape and size. That is inspiring and opens up so many new possibilities and options.

I already got lots of new ideas just by looking at these wreath forms. It sure fuels the creativity!

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The Art To Outsmart

When our oldest grandson started crawling around, we baby proofed anything he could get to. When he started walking, we made sure anything else he could get in and/or reach was either safe or locked.

Even the refrigerator did not escape our baby proofing because the little guy would pull it open, grab whatever looked appealing to him, take off and eat it. I am grateful he went for the fruit and nothing uncooked.

As he grew older and taller, he could reach door knobs and had no problem unlocking or even locking doors. By that time, his younger brother covered all the grounds his big brother had already left behind.

Yesterday, they came by for a visit and I found out that the Child Safety Locks presented no problem to our now three year old grandson. Before I knew it, he had unlocked the fridge and, upon my question what he was doing, answered loud and clear: "Eat!"

I am not very comfortable with the fact that he can open those locks. When they stay the night, I like to go to sleep with the knowledge that everyone is safe and will still be there in the morning. It is time for more drastic measures.

I will see what I can find on the site of KidSafe concerning child safety tips. They provide good information, tips and all kinds of safety products, keeping our little rug rats and toddlers out of danger. They can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.

At present, the art is to outsmart our little smarty-pants!

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Wreath Art II

Wreaths are commonly used in combination with flowers and/or grasses, pine cones and Christmas related greenery and items. It does not have to be that way and I was glad to see that some people thought outside the box, or circle as the case may be.

This colorful, interesting wreath is entirely decorated with small items and objects. It draws the attention and each time you look at it, new discoveries are made. I can imagine how fascinating it would be to a child, having something like this in its room.

It does not have to be decorated as elaborate as shown in the first photo; even with something as simple and plain as corks, a unique creation can be the result of your handiwork. Yeah, sometimes less is more.

The beauty of this cork wreath lies in its simplicity. Repeating the same color gives it a soothing appearance, while on the other hand the composition of the multitude of corks piques your interest due to its irregular surface.

I am considering covering a wreath by using the many shells I have collected over the years. How about beads, nuts and bolts, dried peas, coffee beans, marbles, different kinds of pasta, etc., etc., etc.?

As you just found out; wreaths are not limited to floral arrangements. It is entirely up to you what items you want to use. All you have to do is break the cycle! :-)

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Art By Proxy

Working from home is nice, but not always very convenient. Whenever there is a problem with a computer, my husband is called to fix it because he is the 'helpdesk' for the entire office.

Trying to solve the problem over the phone is a time-robbing and difficult task. It often occurs he has to drive all the way down to the office for a problem which he is able to fix in a matter of minutes.

In my opinion, everyone at the office would benefit by installing the PROXY Pro 7 software which enables PC Remote Access. Even computers from crews in the field could be accessed without any delays.

It would also help tremendously with transferring the huge files of collected data which needs to be or has been processed. It would not matter whether they would use Windows 7, vista, XP, Mac or Linux; the software supports it all.

No one is even required to be present when the PC is remotely accessed. That eliminates being restricted by office hours and is a plus for businesses spread out all over the world, dealing with different time-zones.

Security is no problem due to 256-bit encryption which is the highest in its class. It operates by following the explicit instructions of the data entered on who or what IP address can have access and where and when.

It is incredible what all this software can do. That is one fine work of art!

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wreath Art

Wreaths was something I had to get used to. The only time you may see them on the front doors in the Netherlands is around Christmas time and even then it is sporadic.

Once I got used to them and even learned there was a wreath for every season and every occasion, I saw so many possibilities and I have made many ever since.

There is hardly anything you can not use creating a wreath. I loved this Turkey wreath I found on the Internet and of course that sparked even more ideas. How creative! It shows that you are not restricted to the circle of twigs, moss, etc.

I already had kind of stepped away from that; this small wreath is actually a round metal circle around which I wrapped a 'boa' string one of our daughters had left over and gave me. Attach a string to it, glue on a few flowers and done.

I made a wreath using the same materials, but instead of flowers, I sewed a small, stuffed doll on it as if it were sitting inside the circle. It is a cute idea when looking for making a gift for children.

Once you start creating a wreath, you know you will come full circle!

See also:
Wreath Art II
Wreath Art III
Wreath Art - Materials and Equipment

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A Quick Repair

It may not be for long before we have to be seriously on the look out for and look in to some excellent credit repair services. No, not for us; we are good, but for one of our loved ones.

In spite of our constant warnings to take care of the financial situation, it was ignored. Now, it is about to turn around and come back to bite and hard too; the credit is already shot and quick DSI Solutions are in order.

Something has to happen to repair the bad credit before it entirely messes up the future. That brings us to another problem; we may see the need and keep nagging about it, but unless and until the question: "How can I fix my credit?" is asked, it does no good.

As long as it does not bother them, it is of no importance and it will be pushed aside. Good advice falls on deaf ears. We just fear that by the time the question arises, they are in way over their heads.

Maybe we ought to simply go ahead and hire It may not be wanted, but is sure is needed. At least it will ensure they would be looking at a bright financial future again!

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Nicknack Stand Art

I am not sure where I got this clear plastic box. I think it contained round pieces of craft paper. Anyway, it was one of those 'I don't know yet, but I will save it' items, just like the little scarecrow.

While creating the little scenes in the jars, it suddenly hit me and it all came together. It was not only a perfect fit, but it also left enough space to give the little guy the environment he was made for.

The 'crop' is made out of artificial leaves cut to size, taped together at the bottom and slightly curled with the edge of a pair of scissors. The blooms are tiny pieces of artificial flowers glued in between the leaves. A few pebbles found in the yard complete the scene.

Everything is hot glued in place and the end product can be set down somewhere or hung on the wall. It only requires a few left over items, a hot glue gun and a pair of scissors.

Nope, there is nothing scary about it! :-)

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Superb Net Art

It just occurred to me that my blog could be seen as a super-small business; although I am not really selling anything I am trying to get you sold on art, crafts and hobbies. Grin.

It has happened a few times that our server was down and to me and my work that is devastating. I can only imagine what a negative impact that must have when running a small to medium business.

We all need reliable, dedicated server hosting to keep us up and running. As a business owner you depend on it. After all, it is your bread and butter and each time your server is down, your profits go down.

There is a bit more to it then just staying up and running; security and back ups are crucial. Ensuring that can take up a lot of precious time. With managed hosting solutions, it will all be taken out of your hands. Another worry less!

You may have all that covered, but don't be surprised if you run in to problems anyway. At one point your space may be maxed out or security is endangered. The time to consider that is now and colocation services are not only an option, but a great solution.

Especially with an online business time is money. Take advantage of good servers which have turned keeping you safe, secure and online in to an art.

They won't let you down!

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bottle Art - Materials and Equipment

It is a given that you will need bottles. Whether those are glass or plastic only matters if you use them to showcase something or fill them with items you want to be seen clearly.

As far as other materials go, I suppose the more appropriate question would be what NOT to use because almost anything and everything can be used for and/or incorporated in this craft.

The same goes for equipment. Right of the bat, there are only two things which I would recommend not to use on bottles and those are a hammer and a blow torch, unless you intend to use the bottles for shard art of course.

You can create a nice composition with different sizes and as long as the color of the bottles is a pastel they can be used to putting items inside. Darker colors lend themselves very well for a craft embellishing the outside of the bottles.

It is a really great hobby with a lot of fulfillment in return. Give it a go; pour yourself into it!

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Difficult Choice

I am still pondering on a getaway and took a peek at the slideshow on Well, I intended to take a peek, but got fascinated with the views which unfolded before my eyes; they were absolutely gorgeous and I had to break myself away from them.

It got me more curious and I checked out the accommodations which were surprisingly large and luxurious. Before I knew it, I was looking at all the different hotel specials which were available and was already contemplating on what would be the best time for us to go.

While we would be there I had intended to take up golfing and that is where I ran in to lots of problems; there are golf packages galore which make the choice between all those beautiful golf courses extremely difficult.

I don't know yet which one it will be because it is a toss up; each one would suit me to a tee!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Bottle Art

These bottles are no taller then 2 inches and were previously filled with Tabasco sauce. The opening is just wide enough to push peppercorns through. By using different colors of peppercorns it creates a cute effect and is great for spicing up a window sill or shelf in the kitchen.

They are also nice gifts for someone who loves to cook and any craft practicing person will appreciate this gift when filled with tiny beads, colored sand or itsy bitsy sea shells. Just now, I was considering if there are nails, screws, nuts and bolts around small enough to fit through. That would make a perfect gift for a handyman/woman.

Sorting the peppercorns by color is not really needed; an assortment does not take anything away from the lovely result, especially not when you use a combination of different sized bottles.

I like to use vinegar to fill up the bottles because it keeps the colors from fading and in this case it can actually be used as a spicy dressing.

A tip from Yours Truly: do not yet close the bottles permanently after filling them with peppercorns and vinegar. The peppercorns have the tendency to soak up the fluid and you may need to add more.

Let them sit for about 24 hours, refill them and then you can finish them the way you had in mind.

It is a simple project which hardly costs anything!

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The Art Of Good Coverage

We often take for granted that providing insurance is just an expensive service, but we overlook the fact that being able to offer cheap insurance with excellent coverage is an art. Just imagine how much work goes in constructing an affordable, good protection plan including all the coverage you need.

If we were moving to Massachusetts, one of the first things we would be looking for is a good Auto Insurance Franklin, MA. It may seem like a hassle finding the best one, but with the help of Berry Insurance Agency that would be a piece of cake. In no time, they would provide us with insurance which suited our needs best.

Another thing needed is Homeowners Insurance Franklin, MA. There is no need looking any further there either because they got that covered as well, along with business and specialized policies. They have been in the insurance business since 1922 which indicates Berry insurance Agency provides their clients with quality, otherwise they would not have lasted that long.

When you live in Massachusetts, Rhode Island or New England, the best route to go finding Insurance Franklin, MA is to stop at the Berry Insurance Agency. Don't come to a screeching halt though, you don't want to cause an accident before you have great insurance and good coverage!

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Bottle Art II

Etching is a wonderful technique turning a simple milk bottle in to a unique piece of art. Yes, you will need a steady hand and some drawing abilities to successfully complete a project like this, but the result is well worth it.

If this requires too much investment for a craft you have never tried before, then there is always the option of painting them. This opens up an entire realm of possibilities; abstract, portraits, scenes and whatever else might come to mind.

Not just glass, but plastic bottles can be used as well for all kinds of projects. Sometimes, they are probably better to use due to their light weight, like in this life-size elephant.

They are also easier to glue or attach together than glass bottles, which is a plus when creating larger works of art.

If neither one appeals then maybe you can fall back on an idea which has been around for decades: crochet a poodle around a bottle.

If you crochet the body all the way up to where the bottle neck starts and crochet a separate head, which can easily be pulled off and put back on, then the bottle can even be used for a piggy bank. Sure, no one is preventing you from crocheting a pig around it. Grin.

Just allow your creativity and imagination to go wild; let it out. There is no need in keeping it bottled up!

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Make Life Easier

I know that many people land on my site as a result of a search. Every now and then I take a look at my site meter to find out what in particular people were looking for and how many visitors I had. The meter gives me all the Statistics answers I need, without having to wreck my brain.

I am thankful because I know it would take me the proverbial 'blood, sweat and tears' to figure all that stuff out. Even then, the likelihood I would get it right is nil and it would take professional Statistics help guiding me through this "seemingly" incomprehensive labyrinth of mathematics.

I used the word "seemingly", because it is no rocket science. Everything can be learned and if that requires the patience and expertise from and excellent teaching skill of a Statistics tutor then understanding will come a lot faster which makes learning more fun.

I have sympathy and empathy for those who are having a lot of trouble with this subject. It does not have to be that way; there is superb online help available. It is specifically geared towards K-12 and college students with Statistics problems and for those who decided to go back to school and could use the extra help.

Don't struggle or let your loved ones struggle unnecessary; life is hard enough as it is and no one makes it through alone. Online tutoring offers that help, making life a little easier!

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bottle Art

I love this craft. I guess it appeals to my sense of 'exploring'; find out what is inside and with every turn of the bottle discover something new.

These are only 3 inch bottles which I stuffed with left over, artificial flowers and filled them up with water. My experience is that filling up the bottles with fluid works like a magnifier, enhances colors and draws more attention to the items inside.

To prevent leakage or evaporation, I wound florist tape all around the bottle neck and cap. The bows were not really necessary, but helped me getting rid of some left over ribbon. Grin.

This however is nothing compared to all the ingenious creations made from bottles which I found on the Internet.

It would never have crossed my mind to design a chair using bottles. It looks comfy too and I would not be surprised if it had the same effect as a massage chair.

For a major project like this I do recommend the following though:
Pick up empty bottles laying by the side of the road or ask friends and family to save them for you.

That works great on two accounts; you are helping the environment by going green and not having to drink the contents of all those bottles prevents you from seeing green!

See also:
Bottle Art II

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A Lingering Thought

I can't help it, but for some reason that Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Hotel keeps going through my mind. I suppose it is the thought of the soothing sound of the waves rushing ashore. It could well be that it is the anticipation of wandering around and taking in the beauty which nature displays in the surrounding area.

Either way, it is becoming more and more tempting making reservations for a stay in a Resort in Myrtle Beach. The possibilities for going out to dinner, a shopping spree, a visit to a park or museum are endless and we will not be bored for even one second.

I am seriously considering playing golf at one of the gazillion golf courses in the vicinity of the Myrtle Beach Resort. With my Rheumatoid Arthritis this would be a perfect solution to be active without putting too much strain on my joints, while thoroughly enjoying the outdoors.

It is beginning to look like Myrtle Beach is well on its way making it to the top of my vacation destination list. Even an overly creative mind like mine needs a break every now and then!

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Some More Altered Jar Art

This is what I meant when I was talking about little scenes in a jar. The concept is really very simple and it does not require much of your time either, creating it.

It actually does not require much of anything; a small jar (I used the jar which normally contains baby fruit), a miniature object or decoration, a glue gun and some items for a background.

In this case I used a few very small, artificial leaves, but tiny artificial flowers will do great as well. I was even contemplating on using pebbles giving the illusion of rocks.

Twigs with acorns would do great as trees and maybe even constructing a rail road track made out of match sticks and a thin wire make it look even more realistic.

Yeah, those are all options which I will bring in to reality some time soon and I will not forget. I will certainly keep this train of thoughts!

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Finding A Break

It has been a while since we have taken a vacation and I sure would love to take a break from the daily rut. I read so much about Myrtle Beach Resorts lately and since I love the beach, it got me curious enough to dive a little deeper in to it.

The location is just perfect; right at the beach. I would love to go beach combing early in the morning, but just looking outside of the windows of these Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Resorts and being presented with a gorgeous view of the ocean is already a very pleasant treat.

Aside from miniature golf or putt-putt as it is also referred to, I have not played any golf at all. It may be a good time to start when staying at a Myrtle Beach Resort. There are lots of specials and golf packages available and looking at the breathtaking golf course it would be a shame to pass up the opportunity.

The more I checked it out, the more appealing this destination became. I don't see it happen in the near future, but a stay at the Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Resort has just extended my list of great options for rest, relaxation, attractions and lots of other appealing activities.

Maybe I ought to apply my creativity in this area and simply make it happen!

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My Altered Jar Art

When I posted about altered jar art, I had just given away the results of my handiwork. I had nothing to show for because I forgot to take pictures of them.

This time I remembered though and share them in the hope it will add to the list of ideas and options for jar projects.

It is an empty spice jar, about 4 inches tall, washed thoroughly and stripped of its labels. A small, oval piece of wood which fitted perfectly in the jar functions as the foundation.

There are a few reasons for using a foundation:
First of all, you can make the entire creation outside the jar. This is much easier to do then gluing piece by piece inside it.
Second, once the project is done the basis will give a better stronghold for the glue to adhere to the glass bottom.

Of course you can glue the objects directly on to the bottom. You will need a long pair of tweezers being able to position the items all the way down in the jar, a steady hand and lots of patience.

The objects I used are small twigs with acorns growing on them and a dried acorn leaf. While you are in the process of your artwork, it is wise seeing that the project fits through the opening of the jar. In case it doesn't, you can easily adjust it.

Before gluing the end result in the jar, spray or paint it with a gloss or semi-gloss polyurethane; this enhances the colors and also strengthens the entire structure. Let it dry well before putting it in its permanent place.

A few drops in the rim of the lid will keep it from coming off and a ribbon with a small bow gives it a more finished look.

That is it in a nut shell or in this case: in a small jar!

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Local Art, Craft and Hobby Supplies

Some people are still very apprehensive about buying online. I can sympatize with that; it took me a while before I felt comfortable with it. I have to admit though; I wished I had not held off on it for so long because it made life so much easier and cheaper even.

In case you really don't want to then that is no problem either; you can use the Internet finding the best places to buy by doing a local search on what you are looking for. This yields better results than consulting your phone book, since the search engine is a combination of several different local business and service sites.

You could compare it to the yellowpages, but much more extensive and online. I found it much simpler to use then having to wade through the pages of the phone book; type in the product or service and it pops up right away with contact information and so much more.

I think this search engine would also be convenient for use on your cell phone. Suppose you would like to find specific local restaurants, but don't know what time they open, need driving directions or maybe you would just want to know whether your craving is on the menu. It is all right there at your fingertips.

It is ideal for finding local art, hobby and craft supplies without any hassle!

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Cake Art - Material and Equipment

First of all you will need all the ingredients and materials to bake your cake and shape it. Once that is done, the fun of decorating can begin.

You will need icing, a spatula, piping bags and different shapes of open tips. If you like to determine the color of your icing, then icing colors can be bought to mix to the desired shade.

Brushes and maybe even an air brush might come in handy. Although I would say the latter is probably more for the experts among the cake decorators.

All of these cake decorating supplies are easily found and ordered online. For beginners there are starter kits available which contain all the basics, along with guidelines for decorating.

Ready to use decorations are offered as well. Those can be of great value in case you don't have much time to decorate a cake.

There is no shortage of hints, tips, classes, books, examples and experiences either. Since you will be working with icing, sugar decorations and fondant, I recommend you take the time to read some of them; they will benefit when decorating your own cake and turn it in to a piece of cake!

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Stock In Trade

Many crafts and hobbies don't need to cost much; you can already create something artistic with a match and a shoestring for instance. That is not the case with all of them. Some will need some investment before you can even start.

We may not always have the money to do so, in which case making money may become the primary hobby. Diving in to Online Trading and acquiring the know-how is an art by itself and very interesting and appealing to many.

It does not have to be limited to Stock Trading; Options, Mutual Funds, ETFs and Fixed Incomes, are some of the other possibilities worthy of looking in to and one may turn out to be more up your alley then any of the others.

Nowadays, you can easily do all that online. Even finding an Online Broker is no big deal. The only recommendation is watching the pennies, which can be done by locating the one with the most competitive costs, but even that is done in no time.

Investing your time and effort may not only be lucrative to your present financial state, but it could also aid in increasing IRA Accounts, ensuring your financial future. That is definitely something else to keep in mind as well.

You are not even tight to a computer; with most of the cell phones being connected to the Internet, Mobile Trading is available as well. You can do it on your way to work, on vacation or even while visiting.

I would suggest giving it a try. You may come to the conclusion that trading is your stock in trade!

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Cake Art II

Cake has been around for a long, long time. The word is even derived from the Viking word 'Kaka'. All over the world evidence of some form of cake or sweet bread has been found on historic sites; from ancient Egypt to Greece.

The art of decorating cake has been around for a while as well; actually ever since the mid 17th century, when baking cakes became more and more popular.

They elaborately decorated cakes were mainly used as a festive display at banquets and celebrations of the wealthy. Later on, they were served as a sweet treat at the end of the meal and on special occasions which made decorating it an even more important part of serving a cake.

The introduction of the temperature controlled oven, baking powder and baking soda in the middle of the 19th century, made baking a lot easier. It was in 1929 though, when cake decorating took a huge flight. The first classes were offered to chefs, bakers and caterers and became a great success.

Many products for baking and decorating became available then as well, resulting in the wonderful creations we can bake, make and order at present.

I love everything about this craft; the creativity and ingenuity, the art of shaping and decorating and the fact that everything is edible.

For those among us who are not so creative cake art sure is a sweet deal!

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Numbers, Numbers and More Numbers

A horse of a different color this time; I am a little worried about our grandson. Even though he is only three, he does not show any interest in numbers at all. When I try to get him to count he just grins and quickly moves on to another subject.

I would like for him to know and recognize the numbers so he can memorize a phone number, just in case. I know he has the capacity, since he is extremely smart and observant in every other area. Maybe not when it comes to mathematics and it could turn out he might need help with his Math homework later on.

Our daughter always said she wanted to do home schooling, but even if he would go to elimentary, then it would be good to keep an eye on him where math is concerned. I know from experience how much it would have benefited me if I had math and Calculus help specifically focused on K-12 and even through college.

Unfortunately, at that time there was no such thing as online tutoring and no money for after school math tutoring either. Nowadays, it is available around the clock and Free math tutoring is offered to those who want to try it out.

We have to wait and see if he needs help. If that is the case then at least we know it is available and where to go to get it!

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cake Art

I am not much of a cook and a pecan pie or muffins are about the only pastries which come out of my hands or oven in this case, as far as baking goes.

It never got my interest either; I could admire the decorations on a cake, but a cake is a cake and only good to eat. I admit that perspective changed entirely, after watching Cake Boss on TV.

Baking something so tasty and then transforming it in incredible pieces of unique, edible art totally impressed me and I had no clue how much work and creativity went in to it.

There are so many extremely talented 'Cake Bosses' out there and the pictures you see here are just a few results of their fantastic ability to take something as simple as flour, water, eggs sugar, etc. and turn it in to something unbelievable.

The cakes are so beautiful; it is almost a shame to cut and eat them. For someone with a sweet tooth it is nice to have the justification that it will spoil in short order and sink their teeth in it.

The baker must get a lot of fulfillment out of the fact that his/her creation is not only amazing to look at, but is devoured in no time flat as well. I suppose for them it is the icing on the cake!

See also:
Cake Art II
Cake Art - Materials and Equipment

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Artistic Photography

At times, I don't know where my head is. While I was doing my previous post, it occurred to me that not too long ago a site was brought to my attention where you can make funny photos online.

I had bookmarked it with the intention to use it and then forgot all about it until just now.

Funny Pictures

Doesn't this look so much better? It is just one of the gazillion photo effects available and it did not even take me 30 seconds to upload my picture and be handed this ingenious piece of art.

I should have used it before, instead of posting plain pictures. There is no better way to present art then in an artistic manner. All the effects are free and I don't even have to worry to make funny pics having to using the same effect twice; new photo effects are added every day!

Funny Pictures

Here is CD art in a gazing ball; how cute. What I don't really understand is why the site is called Even though there are many funny photos which can be created, there are also numerous beautiful effects which portrait the incredible talent of the designer.

Funny Pictures

How is this for a funny pic? You have to admit it is very inventive, creative, artistic and truly a wonderful form of art!

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Creative Photography

Here is a funny picture I could not pass up sharing with y'all. I don't know how some people are able to come up with the idea, but it is extremely artistic and highly entertaining. Sadly to say, but there is some truth in it as well.

Putting and keeping all those dogs in line long enough to take the picture, must have taken an enormous amount of time and effort. Let alone; to keep them from fighting! We don't know what went on behind the scenes though.

Two thumbs up for the photographer and the one who came up with the idea. It is very creative!

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Lost In Translation

I don't know if you are aware of it when reading my blog, but I am born and raised in The Netherlands. In case you can't tell when scouring through my posts then that must mean I am doing a great job with the English language.

I should, after so many years of living here and hearing and speaking nothing but English. There still are times though when I am having trouble with the translation. Every now and then I have to use a translator to find the proper English word.

Imagine having a business and wanting to sell products or services in other countries; usually the language would cause problems. It would be beneficial to hire translators who have all the skills needed to fluently translate what you want to convey in any given language.

It is not only a matter of how to translate words, but to make the sentences structurally sound as well. Better yet: to make it sound like they came from a native of that particular country. Not everyone has that ability, but there are professionals who are more then happy to help out in short order.

My advice is to take that help. It will save you heaps of trouble, a lot of misunderstandings and you are assured that the meaning will not get lost in translation!

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Fabric Paint Art - Materials and Equipment

You will need fabric paint and, as I already mentioned before, this comes in markers, small jars and tubes.

It would be wise that when you are about to start this craft, buy just a few fabric paint colors as a trial; that way you are not stuck with fabric paint you have no use for in case you don't like it.

You may want to keep a few paint brushes within reach. I found out they come in handy to distribute the paint evenly, if need be.

Another thing you need is fabric. You can use the garment you want to paint on, otherwise most any piece of material will do fine. My experiences are that even a colorful, printed piece of cotton is good to use; the paint will cover all that.

I suspect that all fabric paint is treated the same, which means you will need an iron and an ironing board when you are done with the paint. Just read and follow the directions of use on the fabric paint packages.

Images can be downloaded from the Internet and printed. You can transfer the base lines onto the fabric with carbon paper for instance. This is a good method for when you are not very skilled in drawing.

There are books available on fabric painting and I read about several workshops as well. I have a hunch that once you try this you will love it and that no piece of fabric will escape from being altered by your artistic abilities.

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Relax To Recharge

Crafts and hobbies are a good way to relax; it diverts the mind from work, a daily rut and problems. Somehow, it is a way to recharge and it gives instant fulfillment and gratification. It is only one activity which allows us to do so, but there are many more.

Music seems to have a very positive effect on someone's state of well being. Buying ALLSTATE ARENA TICKETS and attending a concert of one of your favorite bands or singers may just be what is needed. A change of scenery and enjoying the performance strengthens mind and soul.

Maybe a concert is not your cup of tea and you would rather sit back in the theater and admire the act on stage which unfolds before your eyes. In that case, you might want to consider reserving METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE TICKETS for a relaxing night out.

Attending a sport event is not only exciting, but another great opportunity to break away for a little bit. You may benefit more from getting a thrill and purchasing CHICAGOLAND SPEEDWAY TICKETS would probably be a better alternative then any of the other options mentioned above.

These are just a few, enjoyable diversions helping us to get the needed rest and relaxation and when we are not able to go anywhere, for whatever reason, it is nice knowing there is always a craft or hobby waiting for us.

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Fabric Paint Art II

As the name of the craft already indicates: this paint is good for usage on almost any kind of fabric and is not limited to just apparel and appliqués. This makes it extremely versatile.

You can make some beautiful artwork with it and apply the paint personalizing pillows on your couch or sprucing up plain drapes.

It also lends itself well for framing and adding a unique piece of art to your interior. Even simple white sheets and pillow cases can be given a personal touch. The options are practically endless.

It is not hard to do either and is an excellent craft for children as well. Fabric paint also comes in markers which are probably a lot less messy to work with and there is a wide color scheme to choose from too.

I recommend starting out by buying just a couple of colors to see how you like it. Those are not a major expense and you can always expand as you go along.

It is definitely worth giving this a try; you never know what you might fabricate!

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ceiling Fans and Art

It is finally spring weather. It has not been for years. It would go from cold to hot almost overnight, leaving no time to acclimate. At least this year we have some time to consider which projects need doing before the heat takes reign.

One of those projects is installing a Ceiling Fan in the master bedroom. During the summers I tend to wake up several times almost floating out of bed due to perspiration. In order for me to sleep well everyone else would be freezing. Therefore, a ceiling fan is the ideal solution.

We have been looking at Ceiling Fans before, but were not really charmed by what was available. Aside from that, we did not even have a clue of how large it had to be for that particular room. I did get some good answers on what to look for in ceiling fans at the Hansen Wholesale Ceiling Fans site.

Not only did I come away with some very useful hints and tips, but also with many ideas concerning the look of ceiling fans. This is one of the Hunter ceiling fans which drew my attention because of its artistic design.

I have seen several more I liked, but I have not even browsed through the entire, huge collection of ceiling fans which Hansen Wholesale Ceiling Fans has to offer. That will take me a while because their selection is so much larger then at the regular stores.

I better do so soon; summer is on its way!

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Fabric Paint Art

I suspect that every seamstress at one point may come to practicing this craft; I know it was so for me. After sewing any kind of garment you can think of, I realized how difficult it was for the children to come home with their own jeans jackets, since everyone was wearing them.

Sure, you can make a mark in the collar, but knowing those little rascals; they probably don't even look for it and just grab the first jacket which resembles theirs. To make it easier on them I resorted to fabric painting.

It also turned out to be a nice way of sprucing up plain T-shirts and jeans. However, instead of painting directly onto the fabric, I made separate appliqués which I sewed on the garment because that way it could be reused.

My experiences with fabric paint are that it holds up extremely well during all those many times of washing and does not fade. It can be used on any type of fabric to give something a personal touch.

To make an appliqué: paint the image on a piece of fabric. Once done, iron the paint as instructed and iron a piece of fusible on the back.

Using a wide, but narrow zigzag stitch, stitch all around the appliqué and cut of the excess fabric as close to the stitches as possible and done. You can either sew it on the apparel with the machine or by hand.

This craft has lots of options and possibilities and certainly is not like watching paint dry. Well, sometimes you have to wait until it is dry. :-)

See also:
Fabric Paint Art II
Fabric Paint Art - Materials and Equipment

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Golden Art

We just got back from having our taxes filled out and filed and were talking about how much the interest rates of several banks had gone down. It could be more profitable to buy gold bullion instead of depositing your money in a savings account.

Precious metals are some of the things which never loose their value, especially gold has not only always been able to withstand the negative effects of a recession, but even gone up in appreciation. It is a safe investment with a huge return.

My grandfather used to buy bullion every once and a while. He was a coin collector and would not shy away from the purchase of gold coins. He was not the kind of man to waste his hard earned money on something which would not be worth more in the future then what he paid for it.

I would like to invest in gold bullion, but I would like to have something nice to look at as well. Simple gold bars are so boring; coins on the other hand are often minted for special occasions or have a part of history attached to them. That is much more interesting to me.

To be totally honest, there is one specific type of bullion I would like to spend my money on: gold jewelry. Grin.

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More Flower Power

To me, a room without flowers or plants is missing something. It comes across as rather bland and impersonal. Don't ask me why, but it always reminds me of a hospital.

It is not always possible for a real plant to flourish in a spot where there is too little light and no sun. The corner in our bedroom is one of those places where a plant would not grow.

Office spaces often present the same problem and couple that with either everyone or no one watering it and you are in for a 'green' disaster.

That is what I love about artificial plants and flowers; they grow everywhere, so to speak. Nowadays, they are made in such a way that it is extremely difficult to distinguish real from fake.

An arrangement of silk plants and/or flowers is a perfect solution to bring some peace and feeling of well-being to any space.

Yup, it is another small detail with huge positive consequences and results!

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Lifting The Financial Bind

We get so much junk mail in the snail mail and many of the letters have as their topic some sort of disability/accidental death insurance. It is not what we are looking for; we are mainly interested in a good Life Insurance, just in case the unwanted and unexpected would happen.

I know this it is not a subject we like to talk and think about. However, it is inevitable and when that situation occurs we all would like to have the knowledge that our loved ones are not being left behind in a financial bind.

We found a great difference in Life Insurance Quotes, especially pertaining to our age. The older you are, the higher the quotes. Still, it is well worth shopping around to find the cheapest one which suits our needs.

It may not be a bad idea inquiring into a Funeral Insurance. I read the other day that the costs have gone up again and it almost knocked my socks off when I saw the amount of money it requires these days covering a funeral.

Maybe we should not be so frugal when it comes down to life or funeral insurance; we can not take the savings with us anyway!

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Flower Power

I love flowers; they always brighten up a room and fill the air with their delightful fragrance. The sad part is that they whither after a certain amount of time and disappear in the garbage.

I think we all know how to dry roses. Hang them upside down in a dry spot for about two weeks. They keep their color and can be used in flower arrangements or simply by themselves. Sometimes a single rose draws more attention then an entire bouquet.

It is not just the roses and babies' breath which can be dried; all kinds of other flowers can as well. It does require a special technique to dry them and still keep them in shape.

Hydrangeas are a good example. The best way to dry them is the following: find a box in which the entire flower will fit. Put some dry sand on the bottom and place the Hydrangea on top of it.

Then carefully fill up the box with dry sand, making sure it gets all up, in and between the petals. Repeat this step until the entire flower is covered and let it sit for about two weeks. Remove the sand with care and you will end up with a beautiful dried, colorful wonder of nature.

This technique can be used for all kinds of flowers which would loose their shape or form when being hung upside down. Don't forget to spray them with hairspray after the drying process. This will keep the petals from falling off and enhances the colors.

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Mail Box Art

I envy those of you who have wall mounted mailboxes for several reasons; you don't have to walk all the way up to the road to retrieve your mail and you can embellish your house with an exquisite work of art.

Most people don't pay much attention to their wall mount mailbox. That is a shame because such a simple thing can make a huge difference in the appearance of a house. I watch a lot of curb appeal, make-over TV shows and am constantly amazed how those small details have such a great impact.

The choice in wall mount mailboxes is enormous and ranges from mail boxes with simple, clean lines to intricate designs which either fit your personality or maybe even the environment you live in. Even in the case of neither one of the above; it is pretty simple to give the outside of your home a personal touch.

I sure wish we could have one of those gorgeous house mailboxes, but our mail box is too far from the house and the mail-lady won't go for it. Maybe I will just hang one next to the front door; simply for decorative purposes. Yeah, I like that idea.

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Simple Project With Great Potential

Yeah, these boards are commonly used for photos, but I liked the idea of putting a verse with a small drawing in/on them. It is that little touch of the unexpected which makes people stop and look, or read in this case.

Instead of personal photos, you also have the option to put a larger image on them; think calendar images for instance. Last year's calendar may have some beautiful pictures. Those don't have to end up in the garbage can; cut them to size and reuse them.

CD art, needle point and (fabric) paintings are some of the other options. In case the object would be a little heavy, use a few drops of hot glue to keep them in place. If it is not too heavy, a push pin or thumb nail will do the trick.

I bought this board, but they are easy to make. Cover a piece of wood with filling, wrap fabric around it and staple or glue it on the back. Position ribbon diagonal over the fabric and fasten it on the back as well. Cut a frame to fit and adhere a hanger on the back.

Should you have a frame already then simply cut the board to size or use the back that comes with the frame for wrapping the filling, fabric etc. It is a simple project with great potential.

So, get on board!

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Problem Solved

While I was posting on glass candle holders, the thought crossed my mind how much the shape resembles the beautiful green and amber colored drinking glasses we have sitting on our hutch.

Those displayed are only a few of the many which are currently taking up precious storage space in the cabinets in our kitchen. I don't want to pack them up and put them in our storage building because they come in handy on several occasions.

It occurred to me that if we had a stemware rack in the cabinet, the space would be utilized to its full potential; glasses hanging from the top and enough space left to store something else on the bottom.

Although I was aware of the existence of a hanging wine glass rack, I never considered how well I could use one. It is the ideal solution on several accounts; it creates more space and due to the fact that there are applications which also pertain to tables and such, it prevents the glasses from being knocked over.

I have not seen many wine glass racks for sale in the stores, but they are easily found online. A cabinet glass rack is ideal, but looking at the elegant tabletop racks makes the choice rather difficult. I may spare myself of having to go through the agony in order to make a choice; I might get both.

Problem solved!

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Storm Glass Candle Holders

Storm glass candle holders, or classic glass hurricane candle holders as they are called as well, are usually filled with a layer of sand, some shells and a candle. Every now and then they are filled with decorative balls and I have even seen them with small Christmas balls.

When I got this candle holder it was filled with some Styrofoam, small sticks which are normally used for holding flowers up were stuck in it. Since I am a chocoholic, they were holding chocolate bars in all kinds of different sizes and flavors. It was such a creative idea, it blew me away. No, the chocolate 'bouquet' did not last very long. :-)

I loved the candle holder and put some artificial flowers on the bottom and made a small arrangement of more silk flowers. Not too many because I still wanted to have the attention drawn to the holder and not to the flowers. A gold sparkling ribbon accentuated the holder and now it is a joy each time I look at it.

I tried to find art or other craft ideas for these candle holders, but so far without any luck. I will dive deeper in to it soon; I would be surprised if there wasn't any.

I will storm the Internet, but I don't expect the search to be as smooth as glass.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Smart Art

Finding the cheapest payday loan is not really an art, but more a matter of being smart. Yeah, the latter has got the word 'art' in it and I do think that it is an art being able to find the cheapest payday advance for those in need of quick cash.

It can happen to anyone; all of a sudden you are confronted with unforeseen and unexpected expenses which go way beyond your budget. Your nest-egg may already have shriveled to a tiny pebble and can not cover the amount anymore. Still, the money has got to come from somewhere and fast as well.

In those kinds of emergencies a cash advance is a good solution. Make sure though to be able to pay it back and not take out more then you can handle. One is enough and should do the trick, especially when using MoneyNowUSA.

This is a multiple lender payday loan search engine and 80% of the applicants who used this search engine were approved for a payday advance. They will connect you with the cheapest lenders who will suit your needs best. That saves you a lot of time, effort and most of all money.

Being able to offer that service is what I would call smart art!

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I designed our guest bedroom around a pirate/beach theme. Yup, it has a small treasure chest, a message in a bottle, beach and water related accessories and the color of the room is in two tone blues.

We had a small, white table that functions as a nightstand, but it just did not look right in that room. In one of the DIY shows on TV, they showed how to decoupage a chest of drawers. Wait..., that is a great solution for that little stand.

We found a gorgeous old map and using the decoupage technique covered the top. To protect the map from getting all torn up due to wear and tear, I coated it with Polyurethane. Now, it fits perfectly and is a piece of conversation.

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Furniture And Art

I am so glad we all have different tastes, likes and dislikes; otherwise the world would be a very boring place. We have a wide array of choice to find just that exquisite work of art, that particular model car or that perfect piece of furniture which appeals to us most.

Difference in taste can also create some controversy, especially when you want to decorate a room. My husband for instance likes sleigh beds. I on the other hand don't care for them; I am more for the contemporary and could even go for a modern platform bed.

If your objection to the latter would be that there is no storage space under a platform bed, then I will have to burst your bubble; there are platform beds with frames which are open on both sides and you can easily find those in a good, modern furniture store.

I don't know yet what we might end up with. I think I will settle for a headboard which we would both agree upon. That should not be too difficult to find. At least I hope it isn't!

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Friday, April 09, 2010

From The Nicknack Stand

Here is some home-made shell art. These are very simple projects and don't require much material. The above is made out of screen; yes, the material you use to put in front of your windows to keep the bugs out.

The netting is ideal for hot gluing on all kinds of items and is easily cut to size. I used wooden round sticks for top and bottom, but square ones will do better because it makes it simpler to staple the screen on. You can paint or stain the sticks to match any interior.

If you cut the sticks about an inch larger then the screen, then the top can rest on the nails. That is all there is to it.

I can not imagine you don't have some old photo frames laying around. Another simple, but cute project is using shells in picture frames.

Position them where or how you would like them and glue them in place. No, you can not use the glass anymore, but keep it somewhere safe in case you like to use it again sometime.

All this is simple, quick and easy to make and I suspect it would be great fun for the children as well. Maybe some good projects to keep them busy during a rainy day?

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Outside Art

Creating art does not restrict itself to just hobbies and crafts; it goes way beyond that. The knowledge and experience gained by it may be very helpful and useful though giving your house and home better curb appeal.

At present, I am in the process of painting. Nope, not on canvas; the outside of the house, doors and our little storage building. It needed another coat of paint and the patience and skills acquired through crafting sure come in handy.

It also gives me ideas of what else can be done to spruce up the outside of our home. I already know I would like to have some window flower boxes. The only reason why I hadn't bought any yet was unawareness of the fact that they also come in vinyl, metal and fiber glass.

I was under the impression that window boxes always were made out of wood and taking in account the humidity here at the Gulf coast, those would not last very long. That problem is solved now and I already got my eye on several which would complement the house and its surroundings.

The storage building will definitely be adorned with a window box and I am considering hanging one under the kitchen window as well. I am not settled on the latter; it might be overkill. I will ponder on it some more.

It just occurred to me that I don't even have to hang them. Now there is a thought; I could place window plant boxes on each side of the front porch. That would be pretty and I don't think I would have come up with the idea if it hadn't been for practicing arts and crafts; it stimulates resourcefulness!

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Altered Jar Art - Materials and Equipment

You will need jars! As if that came as a surprise, grin. From my own experiences I would recommend the smaller jars. I found they are perfect for all kinds of projects and the end result looks better then when using a large jar.

It is up to you though and it may also depend on what you want to fill the jar with. Large items call for a large jar. I have no doubt you grasp the concept. :-) Spice jars, baby food jars, small preserves jars to name a few, are what almost any of us have and use in our kitchen. Don't throw them out; clean them, take off the labels (sticky residu can easily be removed with nail polish remover or alcohol) and they are ready to go when you are.

In case you want to create a little scene in the jar, then tweezers come in handy positioning the figurines and/or other items in its proper place. You will also need a glue gun for this type of craft.

If you like to put items in it which require filling up the jar with fluid afterwards, then I would advice using white vinegar. The vinegar ensures that the items keep their colors, while in water and vegetable oil they might slowly fade.

After putting the lid back in place, you may want to wrap floral tape tightly around it. This can be found in craft/hobby and even the larger grocery stores. I did not find any books, videos or classes on altered jar art, but that does not mean it would not be out there.

Who knows, maybe this crazy crafter will publish a book on the subject sometime.

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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Cars and Art

There is so much art all around us, most of which we may not even be aware off anymore. Have you ever considered what a huge amount of creativity it takes designing a car? I consider it an art, being able to constantly come up with new models.

When I look at the lexus es for example, then it is quite amazing how a few, simple alterations make it stand out from its competitors. I have no doubt that a lot of thought must have gone in to those few, 'simple' changes.

Another art is keeping in mind people's needs. Most parents like to have enough space to transport their children without having to cramp them in the back seat. We all know what that results in: yup, fights. A Crossover Utility Vehicle (CUV) like the lexus rx is a great solution to that problem.

We have been looking around to replace our vehicle and were contemplating on buying a CUV, but with us in the front and three grand children in the back there would be no space left to take someone else. Therefore, we have decided that we benefit more by purchasing an SUV and the honda pilot would definitely be eligible as a serious candidate.

All the above are just a few examples of seeing to people's needs, but there is also the issue of catering to what people want. When there is a demand for a sports car then the designers have to come up with one. The Fisker Karma is a beautiful piece of art and I sure would love to take it for a spin.

We have grown accustomed to so many products that we have lost sight of all the creativity and work that went in to inventing them. Maybe we should take some time to ponder on that and be more grateful that someone put forth the effort to make our lives easier.

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Altered Jar Art II

I love all the different applications for jars. One of the things I had not even considered was painting them and I was pleasantly surprised when I came across that idea. It is another option which goes on my list of craft possibilities.

I suppose the scenes are painted with water colors and then coated afterwards with a matt finish to preserve them. Maybe Polyurethane or a clear varnish?? I would have to look in to that.

I already was aware of the option of filling them with colored sand. For some unknown reason, that does not appeal to me. Oddly enough, I would not have the patience for it, but I have great admiration for the people who do and the creations which come out of their hands.

It is weird; I don't mind pushing pepper corns one by one through the neck of a very small bottle, but just the thought of filling it with colored sand is already nerve wrecking to me.

To each his own, huh?!

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